'Til Death Do Us Part

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She hated him with a burning passion ever since she walked down that aisle in the stunning white dress made of silk that now hung in her closet in a garment bag. Now that she'd thought long and hard about it, she never really loved him, she was just so desperate to get her family's constant nagging to stop once and for all so she could finally get some peace.
Ever since Janie was twenty years old, her mother always told her that she would never live happily if she never got married. As the years passed and Janie's twenty-ninth birthday came, her entire family gave their reasons for her to find a nice man and get married. They were so adamant that they'd even gave her a list of websites for "finding the perfect math for her."
Having enough of all the bugging and nagging she was getting from them, she tried out one of the sites, and lo and behold, she'd found a man who was around her age online. He liked a few of the things she did and was somewhat handsome, and they began dating a few months after they had met.
It only took five months for them to begin picking out china patterns. Janie's family was finally pleased and their begs for a wedding were pacified. The two were married soon, and now, thirty years old, Janie was as unhappy as ever.
She felt as if she was doing all the work in their marriage. They lived in a small apartment in the middle of the city, and she was constantly cleaning and running to the store to buy groceries a bit at a time, due to their lack of money. Her husband didn't have a good job, and she only took cleaning jobs on the weekends that didn't pay much.
He would always come home supposedly tired, leaving her to clean up the apartment to his freakishly high standards. He was a bit of a neat freak, so everything had to be tidy without a speck of dust. Janie gave him glares behind his back as she dusted the vases and picture frames. Oh, how she loathed him.
It was the middle of spring, and Janie was visiting her mother thirty miles away from her apartment. Her mother, now widowed, lived in a nice house, with perfect paint and perfect furniture. Janie hated it, among other things.
Her older sister was also visiting and had brought her two small children and baby with her. They were very loud and obnoxious, but her mother found it pleasant and cute, even when they broke precious items and destroyed her house. Janie loved them at times but found them very annoying when they cried and pouted.
She and her mother were sitting at the kitchen table that faced the sliding glass door to the backyard as they drank wine that day. Her sister's small children, who were fraternal twin boys, were running about the yard, tearing up flowers and digging in the dirt. Her mother just sat and watched in awe of them. Janie couldn't believe it.
"Mom, they're ruining your backyard!" Janie exclaimed.
"They're only four, they don't know any better," she said. "So, when are you going to have kids?"
Janie shook her head in disbelief. She and Dan were only married for three months and didn't want kids just yet. And besides, if she wanted to reproduce, it certainly wouldn't be with him.
"Why not? Children are beautiful things."
As soon as she said that, Janie's sister, Maya, looked quite frazzled as she rushed to the back door with her infant daughter on her hip, who was screaming her head off. She opened the door and dashed to the yard, yelling at her boys to stop ripping the flowers up and to get back into the house or they would get a timeout.
"That's why."
"I had two kids, and you girls are my life. I was so happy when you were born," her mother gushed.
Janie rolled her eyes. When would the nagging end? First it was getting married, now it was having kids with a man who she only married out of desperation. If it wasn't one thing, it was another. She knew her mother wouldn't be happy until she would have kids, but she didn't want any.
"Mom, look at those kids and that screaming baby in the yard. Why would I want to force babies out of my vagina just to please you?"
Her mother looked horrified with Janie's words. She certainly didn't raise her to speak like that. She knew she'd raised her to be proper, but Janie was the one to defy her.
"Janie!" Her mother scolded.
"Oh I'm sorry, would you'd rather me say p--" she started to speak, but her mother stopped her in an instant.
"No!" Her mother was turning red from anger. "Kids are beautiful and you will have some, trust me."

That night, Dan sat on the couch in front of the TV as Janie cleaned the big mirror on the wall with a towel and spray. She looked at herself in the mirror, her beautiful face distorted by the wet streaks. Her long locks fell on the sides of her face, framing it perfectly. Her green eyes were vibrant, and she wondered why she had only gotten a guy like Dan.
He just sat down on his ass in front of a TV while she did all the work herself. If her mother thought she was going to have kids with him just do she could go all the work, she was dead wrong. There was no way she'd reproduce with a guy like him. He was lazy and incompetent and not someone who was deserving if her love.
"Dan, my mom was talking about us having kids," Janie said as she scrubbed the edge of the mirror's frame to get the dust away for him. "Do you want kids?"
"Of course, do you think I married you just to be married to you?"
Janie was livid. She dropped the bottle and towel and stomped into the kitchen to let off some steam. Her face was red and her blood was pumping hard. No one had ever said such a cruel thing to her. Her mother always said that she'd have men falling at her feet. There was no reason not to want to be with her.
She'd had enough of all this. If he was only going to be lazy and ask for children only to leave her to do every single thing, she'd just have to get rid of him. But Dan was a man that never gave up on a fight. There would be no divorce. She would have to take it the hard way.
She grabbed a sharp knife from the kitchen drawer and made her way to the loft. He was still watching the show, eyes glued to it. She raised the knife and, out of fury and anguish, plunged it into his back.
He let out a cry of intense pain as she repeatedly stabbed him. Blood dripped off the knife each time she ripped it out of his tender flesh. She kept going, not even counting how many times it went in and out.
"I'm your husband!" He cried through pain and blood.
She didn't answer as she kept plunging the knife in and out. Blood was everywhere, on the couch and all over her clothes. It was splattered on her face and she felt herself getting tired. With one good stab, her husband fell to the ground with a thud and blood pouring from the multiple wounds Janie had inflicted.
"'Til death do us part, you bastard."
Yep, she literally stabbed him in the back. I wrote this in Notes, so it's kind of iffy.
Good news! My mom has accepted me for being part Atheist! I just talked to her and she said that she can't change me, so it is what it is. I can tell she is a bit upset still but she has accepted my beliefs. I'm so happy!
Now I've gotta go to the store and pick up my turkey for Thanksgiving. XD I'll be on later and I'll write some more. Bye!
Sierra 👻

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