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I wrote this in Notes on my phone so excuse mistakes. This is a Halloween story that I'm not really proud of but I guess it'll do.
I'm probably posting on Halloween but we'll see. 👻🎃
Sierra 👻
The two children whose faces were sticky with their satisfaction of the night's festivities ran into the small house, their pumpkin trick-or-treat buckets filled with many candies in their sticky little hands.
The younger one, a little boy with such big blue eyes and dark curls that curved around his forehead, reached into his older sister's bucket to steal a treat that he did not get that night.
"This is mine! Get your own, Mason!" His sister shrieked, pulling his little hand out of the bucket. "You always steal my candy every Halloween, ever since you were a baby! This is mine!"
Their mother came from the kitchen and shook her head at her only daughter. That was no way to treat a younger child, especially when that child was her brother.
"Just give him one piece, Maddy," their mother said, snatching away the piece Mason had wanted.
She handed it to him, and the boy skipped merrily to his room, his half-full bucket swinging. The falsely carved pumpkin face on his bucket seemed to laugh at Maddy, with that wicked smile and triangle eyes. She hated it, though she had the exact same one.
"It's just one piece, you have plenty," their mother said as she took the plastic bumblebee wings from Maddy's back. She set them aside.
"But, Mother, he always takes my candy! He's almost six and you still give him what he wants!" She cried as her mother led her to her room to get her out of that itchy costume.
"And you're eight and you're supposed to take care of him." The older woman pulled off her daughter's black-as-night high tops and tossed them in the closet. "You only trick-or-treated in this neighborhood and the one over, right?"
"Yes, and he bugged me the entire time. Honestly, why couldn't I go with my friends? They were having so much fun tonight, and I got stuck with him!" Maddy dropped her bucket and pulled the yellow and black striped dress off. Her tights followed.
Her mother sighed and grabbed some fresh Halloween-themed pajamas from the dresser, and Maddy dressed quickly, taking the bow out of her hair.
The costume was collected by her mother and placed onto hangers and hung up in the closet where it would be left and never touched again. It was hanging deep in her closet, only making a shadow to be undisturbed until it was time to clean again, then it would be thrown out because it'd be too small for her to wear.
"Now go help your brother clean his face and get into his pajamas, then brush your teeth. I can't afford for you to have cavities," her mother said as she left the room.
Maddy huffed and stepped over the abandoned bucket, stomping down the hall to Mason's room. The young child was on his floor, still in his basic pirate costume. The only thing he'd taken off was the eyepatch, and that was only so he could see the pile of candy with both eyes.
His entire face was covered in a chocolate mess, and he was licking his candy-coated fingers. Many empty wrappers lay at his sides.
"Come on, Mason, time for bed," she said and snatched the bucket away from him.
"Hey, that's mine!" He scowled, standing up.
"No more. We can have more tomorrow, we have to sleep. Mom said so."
She placed the candy on his nightstand and got fresh pajamas that matched hers, just a different color. He took off his costume and let her pull the pajama shirt over his head. He stepped into the pants, and Maddy cleaned his face with a tissue.
"Let's go brush our teeth," Maddy said as she tossed the costume in his closet.
The two brushed their teeth, getting every bit of chocolate and lollipop out. They spat out the rest and rinsed their moths out, then went back into Mason's room. Maddy told him to get in bed so he could sleep, then it would be off to bed herself.
"You think you're so adorable. Wait until you get older and no one will like you," Maddy hissed as she tucked him into his bed.
"You're mean!" He crossed his arms over his chest.
"I know, now go to sleep."
She turned off the light and closed his door, leaving him in his own darkness to sleep alone with the Halloween night's fun still exciting him.
She went to her own room and put away her candy where it would wait until morning. Her bedcovers were thrown back as soon as she felt situated, and she crawled in.
There was that Halloween aftermath where she didn't feel like sleeping because that meant Halloween was over and she wouldn't see it again until next year. She didn't want the night to end, but it had to. She turned off her light and laid back in her bed.
Shadows casted across her walls from the window where the full moon of Halloween peeked out. It was dead silent and she could feel the excitement for just one more candy for the night arise in her. One more couldn't hurt her, so, in the complete darkness, Maddy reached over and stole a piece.
The chocolate satisfied her craving, but it felt a little crunchier than the other pieces she'd eaten. She ate half of it, but soon she felt pain in her throat, then down in her stomach.
She leaned over and threw up all over the floor but what she couldn't see was that it was red and thick. Her throat felt like it was torn to pieces and her stomach felt on fire. Her breathing became hard and she felt lightheaded, and the poor girl fell over and into the puddle of blood.
Soon, Maddy breathed no more and the rest of the candy laid in her twitching hand. A bit of hard silver poked out from the melting chocolate, the razor that had killed her.

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