Rock a Bye Baby

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Martha woke up to the sound of her daughter crying in her nursery. She stepped out of bed and sauntered tiredly to the nursery where her four-month-old daughter was crying in her crib.

"Aubrey, you need to sleep, baby girl," She cooed, picking her up and putting her on her shoulder.

Aubrey began to calm down, glad that her mother was near. Martha sat down in the rocking chair, holding her daughter close. A cold chill ran throughout the room and Aubrey began to cry.

"Shh, its alright, sweetie," Martha tried to soothe her but Aubrey's cries increased in volume.

Martha picked up a blanket and wrapped Aubrey up before walking back to her room with her in her arms. She knew it was going to be a long night.

Martha tossed and turned the next night, feeling as if something was wrong with Aubrey. To make herself feel better, she walked into the nursery, only finding her daughter sleeping peacefully with her baby blanket around her, but Martha found something odd. She could hear a faint whisper singing 'Rock a Bye Baby' in her ear.

It sent shivers down her spine, but she chose to ignore it. She leaned down and kissed Aubrey's forehead, hoping her daughter would be okay and that the whispers were just her imagination.

"Goodnight, sweetie," She whispered and walked out of the room.

The next night, Martha was walking to the bathroom when she heard creaking coming from Aubrey's room, like the rocking chair was moving. Nobody else lived there but her and Aubrey.

When she entered the room, she was shaking to her core. There was a ghostly apparition of a lady in a Victorian dress, holding Aubrey in her lap as she whispered 'Rock a Bye Baby' to her.

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