The Thing in the Closet

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The Thing in the Closet

Author's note: I'm back from, well, I'm not sure, but anyway, I'm back! This is the first part to my Halloween Series. I will try to get a short, scary story uploaded every day until Halloween. The word here is TRY. I'll try my hardest.

So, anyway, here is part one of my Halloween Series.


            The wind howled and the tree branches scraped the window of a little girl’s room. She was huddled under her covers, wishing for the storm to be over so she could get some sleep. She shut her eyes as the thunder rumbled and the rain fell heavily on the roof.

            That’s when it came out of the closet.

            That tall, scary thing that would scare her to death until it disappeared for the night. All she could do was lay there and not move until it decided that it wanted to go back inside her closet. It slowly came upon her bed, staring down at her with its red eyes. She looked away, burying herself into her sheets. All she could think about whether this thing would kill or spare her.

            “Go away,” she mumbled to it, but it didn’t even budge.

            Instead, it got even closer. And closer. And closer. Until it was inches from her face. She buried her head back, trying to escape the wrath of this thing. It just looked at her. It didn’t move. It just stood over her, probably wanting to kill her but wanted to scare the crap out of her first.

            She gasped, and like that, it went back into the closet. She sat up, looking around at her surroundings. The rain was light now. The trees were barely swaying, so she settled back into her bed, turning on her stomach and burying her face deep in the pillow. She knew the thing in the closet would be back, but not for another day.


            The little girl wanted to see if she could see what this thing really was. She got under her bed and pretended she wasn’t in the room and stayed silent, waiting to see what was really scaring her. Every time she would open the closet during the day, there was no sign of the thing. So she wanted to see if someone was behind this. But of course, the thing didn’t have the body of human, but she just had to see.

            She was shocked to see human feet going into the closet. Her dad’s feet.

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