Chapter 18

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•~•3 years later•~•

It's been 4 months since Chi graduated highschool, and is now attending college, studying the course of law. She's often busy with her studies. Athena then took the architecture course, Gin took the accounting, while Aizen is now a doctor of a hospital that he inherited from his parents. The four of them still lives in the mansion, the others moved out to continue with their own lives, meanwhile.

It's very quiet when two or only one of them are in the house, but it gets really wild when the four of them are complete. It's like they're one family, the only thing is that one has feelings for another and vice versa.


"Here's your tea," Chi said softly as she placed the plate of cake and cup of tea in the center table in front of Aizen, as he fills out documents.

"Thank you," he muttered, not even bothering to look up from his work. Chi stared at him for a while more before walking back to the kitchen to prepare dinner. When she disappeared, Aizen looks up from his work and looked at where she was once standing, before sighing to himself and continuing his work.

Then, the door opens with a loud slam and Chi accidentally dropped a plate, startled.

"I'M BAAAAAACCKKK~" Gin is heard shouting as he steps in the living room.

"Oh, Aizen-san, you're back home earlier than usual~" it's 10:00 pm.

"I don't have many patients sent in today, so I get to go back home early," the brunette replied.

"But as far as I know, you always do your paperwork in the hospital.. So it's kinda weird that you bring them home and do it here," Gin shrugged.

"GIN, FOR THE HUNDREDTH TIME I TOLD YOU NOT TO SLAM THE DOOR OPEN, MY GAWD!" Chi came out of the kitchen and hits Gin's head with a spatula.

"Where's Reamer?" Aizen asked. The two stopped and looked at him.

"Yeah, where is she, Gin..?" Chi asked the fox-man.

"W-well..." Gin scratches his head.

"We got into a fight an' then she got mad at me and she asked me ta tell ya guys that she won't be able ta come home for dinner t'night..." Chi crossed her arms.

"And what did you two fight about?"

"There's this guy who keeps harassin' and makin' out with her in school, so I talked ta her 'bout it an' she told me that I'm botherin' her an' then shit happened'," Gin chuckles nervously.

"*sigh* I'll talk to Athena after dinner. Go upstairs and change, you stink,"

"I couldn't agree more,"

"Ya guys are mean~!!"


"Look, Athena, he's just concerned for you. He doesn't want you any harm. He's protecting you. So please calm down and tell me where you are. I'll pick you up,"

"But I already told you, I hate it when people look down on me and think I'm so weak to even ask for their help!"

"LIKE I SAID, HE'S JUST CONCERNED. NOW GO BACK HOME, IT'S SO LATE," there was a long pause on the other line before a sigh and a 'fine'.

"You know, Athena, you should even feel grateful that somebody cares for you..."


"Not all people around you would care for you like the way he does, and not all people are being cared of about,"

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