CHAPTER ONE || Welcome to Nevermore.

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MY SISTER WEDNESDAY AND I are currently sitting in our car on our way to a school for 'outcasts' while our mother and father smother each other in love, and not in the good way. You might be wondering how we got ourselves into this unfortunate event. Well it all started when Wednesday and I were walking towards our lockers...



My sister and I stop our walking once we hear muffling coming from a locker next to us. I wonder who got their ass put in here... I think as I walk over to the locker and swing it open. Low and behold the culprit for the noise was none other than our brother, Pugsley.

"I want names." My sister and I said at the same time.

Pugsley, being the useless idiot he is, shrugs his shoulders, not being able to pinpoint the jerks behind the attack. Just then Wednesday pulled the apple out of his mouth, allowing him to speak, but threw her head back violently. I knew she was having a vision as this is what happens when you have one, and we have been getting them for quite some time. Once her vision was finished, she told me she was able to pin it down the the boys on the swim team.



Long story short we may or may not have sent puranas loose in the pool causing the leader of the group to loose a testicle or two, not like the bitch needed to be able to populate anyways, And that is why I am currently giving my parents the cold shoulder. Instead of speaking to them, I have my headphones on, listening to a random selections of artists and drawing in my sketchbook. Then I feel something hit my leg. I took off my headphones and looked over at Wednesday, who was just staring at me.

"Yeah?" I ask, confused as to what she needed.

"I can hear your music, its annoying. Turn it down." Wednesday states.

I just roll my eyes and put my headphones on once more. My mother then signed for me to take the off. Again. Seriously, I can't have any peaceful situations with this damn family.

"My darlings, how long do you intend to give your father and I the cold shoulder?" My mother asked, folding her hands in her lap and crossing her legs.

UNREQUITED LOVE  || XAVIER THORPEWhere stories live. Discover now