18| Yes, I do

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Preeta's Pov:

I wasn't actually interested to come to this party and all.

To be honest, I thought to go because of Karan.He wanted to see around and I can't miss the chance to make him feel good about me.

But you know what?

Now I am regretting for coming here.

I mean Mr.Karan Luthra is busy in talking with women leaving me here.He came with me then, he should be with me.

But no, Someone called and he went as if he knew them since years.

Ugh.It's really annoying.

My eyes never left him.I was just observing the way he was talking and laughing with them.

Did he ever laugh with me like that?

No, he didn't.Though I am being too nice.

How can he do that with a person he just met.I can never be that open with a stranger.

Well, I also can feel that he was flirting.

I mean, he said to Nitya that she was looking great and he didn't even said anything to me.

What the fudge?

I stopped, realising what the hell I was thinking and shook my head.

Why am I expecting him to complement me?

I don't need anyone's praising.I know how I am and I don't care whether he says it or not.

I took a sip of a juice and gazed towards him while leaning to the counter.He is not even casting me a glance.He is too busy in flirting with them.

But, soon as if he listened to my words, he turned to look at me and I looked away acting as if I wasn't watching him.

But, I felt him walking towards me and rolled my eyes.I think he remembered, he came along with me.

"Do you have a bad habbit of flirting with girls?"I instantly asked not able to control anymore.

A frown appeared on his face as he turned to look at me.

"What?"He asked confusingly.

"You were trying to flirt with them"I said what I felt and his eyes widened in return.

"What the hell? I mean when did I do that?"He questioned shaking his head in panic.

"You were laughing with them, you don't even know them"I tried to say.

"They were talking something funny and you expect me to seal my lips while they were looking at me"He replied and I rolled my eyes turning to other side to keep the glass.

"Well, They were beautiful and interesting.It doesn't seem bad to spend some with them.They were just asking about me, and about India.And I was asking about here.That's it"He explained and I don't know why I felt convinced although his first few sentences irked me.But why do I care?

"Hmm, whatever"I replied looking at him and he glared at me.

"Fine, leave it"he said and I nodded.

"Hey, Karan"A voice came and I averted my gaze to look behind him.

"Hey"He turned to the source of voice and smiled looking at the woman whom he just met sometime before.

"Come on let's have a drink"She said grinning like a mad and I looked away from them trying to ignore.

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