Characteristics Of God.

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It's time we know the characteristics of God. Characteristics refer to the quality that distinguishes a person from others? So, this chapter is really to let you know who God is by is features. What differentiates Him from humans, from irrelevant gods. So, at the end of this, you should be able to know God better. Amen.

Who is God?

1. God is a supreme being: The supremacy of God denotes His dominance of every living and non-living being. It means, He has power over all.

Colossians 1:16
[16]For through him God created everything in heaven and on earth, the seen and the unseen things, including spiritual powers, lords, rulers, and authorities. God created the whole universe through him and for him.

Isaiah 45:7: I create both light and darkness; I bring both blessing and disaster.I, the Lord, do all these things.

What I want to point out in these verses it that God is in control of everything. The good and bad, the greatest and weakest, and so on. This is because He made everything. Nothing has power over Him. Nothing can be done or made without His knowledge and permission. Imagine this all-powerful God on your side. If He's on your side, then who can be against you? (Romans 8:31). Don't let fear ruin you. You serve a great God who calls you His own. He cares for you and He's more than able to make a way for you. The supremacy of God is real. Believe it.

2. God Is Caring: I put this feature because I love it so much, and I know it's real. God is caring.
1 Peter 5:7
[7]Leave all your worries with him, because he cares for you.
When I was going through a tough time, He proved that He cares. I always knew that God is powerful but when I was going through that particular struggle, I asked myself this: Why would God help me overcome this? I asked this because I reasoned that the problem was too insignificant for God to even look at. I was really sad at that time because I couldn't think of any reason why He would help me. But He did, and I know why now.
Luke 12:7
[7]Even the hairs of your head have all been counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth much more than many sparrows!

The answer is that He cares. It's that simple, yet so beautiful. An all-powerful God cares for me, that's why He did it. That's why He helped me overcome something that was so insignificant to Him. When I realized that, I was like... Gosh! Unfortunately, a lot of people always want something in return for helping someone. They want to know what's in it for them. Maybe that was the mentality I had of God for me to question Him. It's different now, because I know. He's helped me out a lot, even when I doubted Him. Even when I feared He wouldn't help me because I doubted Him. God is not a human guys, and that says a lot. We're all flawed but He's perfect. His love is perfect! So, He cares. Stop doubting and believe that He cares about the littlest thing. Like, He know the number of hairs on your head and you don't! So, don't worry.

3. God Is Unchangeable:
Malachi 3:6
[6]“I am the Lord, and I do not change. And so you, the descendants of Jacob, are not yet completely lost.
Hebrews 13:8
[8]Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and for ever.
God doesn't change for anybody. What I love about this quality of God, what I really want you to understand is that God has never changed His personality to suit anyone or any being. He's the same God in the time of Adam, Jesus and now. Never has He and never will He do something that He does not want to do in order to please anyone. It's a trait we all should learn from, really. God loves us so much, yet He doesn't live to please us. His will must be done. For example, humans who died not believing in God or losing their faith in me will end up in hell. He won't take them to the new earth just because He wants to please them or something. The reason is whatever He says is what will happen. He promised salvation to all who accept that salvation and that's exactly how it's going to be. So, if God won't compromise His will in order to please you, do the same for others, no matter how hard it might be. Try to be like God. Never lower your standards to please anyone and just be who you are in Christ.

These are only some of the numerous wonderful characteristics of God. You know some of the features of God, so you should know Him better now. Isn't He great? Never be ashamed of Him.

Remember, this book is about knowing God so I'll talk about things You need to know about God.

I'll do a bonus chapter on this later, but I'll stop at number three for now. Toodles!

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