Yandere boyfriend×F.reader

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N~♡ :  "and this is exactly why I don't want you out in the public" He muttered, his whole being still fuming at the audacity that man had, oh how he couldn't wait to kill him


You and Ash planned to have a picnic date down by the river side since Ash had been very busy these past few weeks with his company.

"Have you packed everything Ash?" You shouted from downstairs hurrying to put the picnic blanket in the car,

You both were running late because of Ash. He oh so graciously snooze the alarm clock about 10 times, claiming he thought it was a fly buzzing in his ears, which in return had you waking up late.

"Babe, I'm coming it's just that I can't find your coat"

Another reason why you wanted to leave early is because when it gets late in the evening, the breeze is always harsh.

"Ugh sometimes I can't stand you" you yelled climbing up the stairs going into the bedroom

"Don't say that babe, we both know you love me the most" Ash pouted

Rolling your eyes you open the bottom left draw and pull out your pink and white coat.

"and you said you couldn't find it" you smirked, raising your eyebrow

"I really didn't see it babe" Ash said moving  to stand in front you

He then held you by your waist and started to kiss up your neck.

"Mmhh, no we have to leave now" you said when you felt his hand going into your shirt

"But I rather just spend it in bed with you" he replied lifting you up so you can wrap your legs around his waist

"Buttt asshhh, it's been ages since we last went out!!" you whined, so desperate to finally get a chance to go out on a public date

normally he would have booked a private restaurant or a hotel where there is less people around, but you really wanted to feel how it once felt surrounded by nature and other people

"Fine, but when we get home just know that I want you"

"Okkk" you smirked as you kissed him on his cheeks

"But we got to go now" you said dragging him down the stairs then out the house


It took about 30 minutes to reach the destination including bathroom stops.

When they arrived it was over running with other couples so it took a while for them to find a spot.

"this is all your fault" you said while elbowing Ash in his belly, Upset at the fact that if you guys had just left out early there would have been places you could sit

"yes and I'm sorry, how about I make it up to you tonight"

You blushed because you knew what he was indicating

"I-", you didn't get to finish talking before someone bumped into you

"Oh I'm sorry" you said as the male turned around to face you

" Oh, then how about you come with me so you can apologies property" he smirked, getting too close to your personal space


Again you were cut off as Ash stepped in front of you, blocking your line of sight from him

" I don't think she can take you up on that offer" Ash said, his fingers clenching into a fist  so hard he ended up cutting himself

"Oh and how do you know tha-"

The male didn't get to finished his sentence before a fist landed right on his face

"ASH NO!!" you shouted knowing exactly what he was about to do

It wasn't unusual to see Ash glaring at random boys who would stare at you in public, but this time you knew he was going to cause serious damage to the person on the receiving end .

blinded by his rage he had completely ignore you



Hits after hits landed right on the poor soul, for Ash wasn't giving him the time to react or fight back.

"Ash, please stop!!" you shouted,as you tried to get him off of the male, feeling the tears run down your face. As a crowd of people started to gather around.

Finally with the help of the security guard and some of the other men around, they were able to pull Ash off of the male that he had beaten to a pulp.

Grabbing you by the arm Ash dragged you to the car. As the crowd parted in two

"and this is exactly why I don't want you out in the public" He muttered, his whole being still fuming at the audacity that man had, oh how he couldn't wait to kill him

You did not reply, knowing that it will only fuel the anger within him and lead him to add on more damage to the male that you have left behind.

But what you didn't know was that Ash was planning to have his men kill him from the moment he bumped into you.

Maybe you should have taken up the offer of just staying indoors because now you won't be going outside for a couple of months



I wonder if this is yandere enough. Lol
Oh well this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Thank you for reading♡

Yandere.M~×F.Reader♡Where stories live. Discover now