Yandere King× F. Maid

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N~♡ :  " this little game of yours is really starting to piss me off, so as punishment you get to decide who you want to watch die infront of you" his thumb rubbed her checks lovingly, unfazed as if he was just talking about the weather and not another person's life


The castle was shrouded in darkness, but in between the darkness a small glimpse of light was seen shining from a moving lamp.

(y/n),  the person who was carrying the said lamp was just leaving the kitchen after searching for over twenty minutes just to find out that no food was left,stepping out in the dark hallway she started to frantically walk back to the servants quarter, not wanting to be spotted being out this late at night by the headmaid.

It was one of those days again or should I say night, when (y/n) had forgotten/didn't get the chance to eat dinner, due to being so caught up with cleaning the second floor of the Palace,all because the head maid was watching her like a hawk. And at the slightest mistake she would have been dragged out to be punished.

y/n had no clue why the head maid hated her so much, but what could she do? Only to try and bare it, while hoping the woman will soon move on to her next victim, not that she would want anyone to be in her position, heck she herself doesn't want to be in this predicament.

Lost in thought, just as (y/n) turned the corner she had slammed right into a solid chest. She then slowly stepped back after feeling a burning sensation in her nose, while tears made it to the corner of her eyes, her head slowly tilted up wanting to see who she had bumped into, but she was not given the chance as her waist was captured and so were her lips. Stuck together just like how  sticky glue would stick to your hand , (y/n) and the stranger's lips went into a heated battle.

The stranger held the back of (y/n)'s head so there was little to no space between them, while pushing his tongue in her mouth, talking all the saliva she had and claiming it as their own.




It was only when the stranger heard that strange noise coming from (y/n)'s stomach did he pull  his lips apart from her own,to reveal himself as one of the "Knight" and (y/n)'s secret lover that was close to the king.

"Kai!" (y/n) whispered yell,slapping kai while  scrunching up her face as she felt as if her heart was about to stop.

"Did I scare you, love?" kai chuckle amused at her reaction

Clearly not feeling the same, (y/n) was about to walk right past him, but he stretched out his hand and circled it around her waist

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetheart it's just that you make such a cute face when your scared" nuzzling his head in her neck, he started to gently pat her hair

"I missed you my love " Kai said  after lifting his head up from her neck

"I missed you too" (y/n) whispered back. For even though they were lovers the time they spent together was always short and in secret places

"Why are you out this late, darling" kai said, leading up against the castle wall, while (y/n) rest against his chest

"Hump, it's that stupid headmaid fault," puffing up her checks, (y/n) was finally getting the chance to let out all her frustration


"mmh, I don't know what the problem is but as of lately she started assigning me tremendous task which ends up taking the whole day causing me to not get the chance to eat"

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