Yandere M.Heir ×F.???× Yander M.Heir

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N~♡ : Y/n shivered as she creepy felt someone was plotting something against her.  Her body felt as if there was a snake wrapping its tail around her, truly and utterly disgusting.


In between the noisy school, corridor walked, and h/c haired ‘girl’. It was only 8am in the morning, but ‘she’ looked as if ‘she'd’ been through the whole day already.

You could see it on ‘her’ face that ‘she’ was annoyed at all the loud and obnoxious noises as ‘she’  walked and headed through an open classroom.

Right as ‘she’ stepped through the door, a bucket of water splashed on ‘her’ head

Silence rang through the class for a second before it erupted into loud laughter.

y/n however did not find this funny, so  being the perfect student that everyone saw her as, she stood up from her seat and walked to the ‘girl’ that had the same hair color as her

“This is ‘her’ host! This is the female lead ” a little voice exclaimed excitedly in y/n’s ears as she smiled at the h/c haired ‘girl’

“I know” y/n said back to the voice in her head

Smiling y/n turned to the h/c hair ‘girl’ and asked if ‘she’ was ok, but she did not received and response, it could be seen that the ‘girl’ was truly ‘embarrassed’

“That's enough” y/n said as she slightly raised her voice and turned to look at the rest of her classmates

Causing the classroom to once again fall into silence

“Yu Mùchén do you think it's funny to pull such a prank on our newly arrived classmate” y/n’s smooth and angelic voice rang through the class room as she took off her school jacket and wrapped it around the shaking h/c haired ‘girl’, but it looked very awkward on said ‘girl’ for ‘she’ was a head taller than y/n

Turning back to the girl, y/n took ‘her’ hand and pulled ‘her’ out of the class room to carry ‘her’ to the nurses office to see if she had any extra clothes. But right before she stepped through the door, Yu Mùchén called out to her

“ I’ll take her to the nurse's office” he said as he stood up from his chair and walked to them

“System is this apart of the plot” y/n eagerly asked the little voice in her head that we recognised as the system

“Yes host , do not obstruct them!! this is a main part of the plot”

Internally giggling y/n release her hold on the h/c haired ‘girl’ hand

“Ok” she whispered out “i’ll take this as you are going to apologize to ‘her’” y/n questioned as she eyed Yu Mùchén

“Mmh” he murmured out as he stared into her eyes, causing a little red spot to appear on the tip of her ears

Smirking, Mùchén then turned his attention to the h/c haired ‘girl’

“lets go” he said as he walked past ‘her’ and headed out of the classroom as ‘she’ trailed behind him

Satisfied y/n headed back to her desk and rested her head on it

Meanwhile, the situation with Yu Mùchén and the transfer student was very tense, this tension lasted until they reached a secular spot away from everyone else

“Brother” the deep voice of the h/c haired ‘girl’ called out

"Fuck, Yu Yìchén  you basterd why did you came here dress like that” Mùchén cursed as he stared at his biological brother who choosed to dress like like a girl in disgust.

He eagerly wanted to beat him to a pulp when he also saw that he had dye his hair to the same colour as y/n's

'Tch crazy bastard', but even though Mùchén thought that, he was secretly upset that he wasn't the first one to think of that idea.

“i don't understand what you mean brother” the h/c haired ‘girl’ well boy said as he leaned his back against the school wall, drawing Mùchén out of his thought

“don't give me that bullshit Yu Yìchén, didn't we agree that i'll slowly draw in y/n then when i finally have her trust i'll carry her home for you to develop feelings with her” Mùchén cursed as he thumped the wall that was closed to Yu Yìchén face

Yes, this plan might not be the best, but so what?! Although Mùchén said he was going to work with his brother, he did not say he was going to play fair

Well, alls fair in love and war

God knows if Mùchén had a choice he would have never chose to work with his psychopath of a brother but he also knows working against him won't bring any benefit to him or Yìchén so the best choice was to work together to catch the one person that they were both obsessed and in love with “Y/n”

Quietly laughing, Yìchén went back over a new plan with his brother because he found out the first one had too many loopholes.

He's not stupid he realised what his brother wanted to do, but he didn't feel betrayed because he would have done the same if the roles were reversed.

When Yìchén finished talking  Mùchén realized that his brother plan was way better even though he didn't want to admit it.

both him and his brother showed a smile that carried all their evil intentions

Meanwhile, Y/n shivered as she creepy felt someone was plotting something against her.

Her body felt as if there was a snake wrapping its tail around her, truly and utterly disgusting.

“System what was that?” she asked, frightened by that icky feeling

“Don't worry host it may be because you were over thinking”

Right after the system had finished speaking, the two brothers had walked back into the classroom with Yìchén in a dry uniform.

Shivering y/n started to feel bad as she watched the two of them walk towards her

Shaking her head, she threw the feelings behind her and smiled as she went back into character

But poor naive y/n, haven't you heard the saying of sheep in wolf clothing before? Unfortunately, you realized that you were their meal a little too late   


😮‍💨 when will you learn darling~

Well, this may or may not be an arc in qt : the run away host🤭

Thanks for reading ♡

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