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"I'm not going."

"Son, it's not an option."

Hyunjin's father said, his tone was so loud it could burst open Hyunjin's ears. Hyunjin got the point there was no need to yell, truthfully.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes, sitting back in the office desk chair beneath him. His parents were great people, they had great money, and great companies behind them— all except a great son.

As they said, 'hyunjin is a disgrace to our family' and 'stop being such a disgrace.' Hyunjin just stared his father in the eyes, glistening with attitude as he continued to look around the room of the vintage-type office.

It had gold rims at the top and paintings inside the gold rims. Hyunjin stood up off the chair he was nuzzled in," You start tomorrow, you will not skip class, and you will not get kicked out this time."


Hyunjin scoffed, he had so many more questions but he didn't want to talk to his father. Both his parents made it seem like he was the problem. He was a teenager, almost a full adult, he was eighteen to be exact.

He wasn't gonna be cooped up in his room and not go out and have fun. Taking risks was what made life to the fullest. He didn't want to die with regrets.

"Yes, tomorrow, if I get one complaint hyunjin.."

He started, his eyes darkening alongside what he was saying. Hyunjin just bit his lower lip, staring down with such a careless grin. "Yeah, I get it," Hyunjin muttered.

Though, he didn't. He didn't want to accept the fact he would have to be the company's leader and so on from there. He didn't even know how he'd keep the line going, he wasn't into girls. Neither did he have an attraction for them.

Hyunjin had slept with some guys before, but his parents weren't aware of this he knew it would be the turning point in the parent-child relationship.

Hyunjin stood to his feet, grabbing hold of his chair. Staring at the disappointing look. "We want what's best for you." His father said, he always says things like this. But it was clear now he didn't mean it like he should.

Hyunjin didn't respond, he kept walking toward the door, staring at his feet. His hands were shoved stubbornly in his pockets.

He didn't want to go to another boarding school, the one he was allegedly going to wasn't even the best. His parents gave up most likely, he had already gotten kicked out by the top boarding schools.

They were becoming desperate anyway. Hyunjin would have to make new friends, do another introduction, etc. He didn't want to keep doing this. It was starting to get annoying.

He'd just fuck up and cause even more trouble again. Hyunjin plopped against his bed, staring up at the many pieces of art dangling along his ceiling. The whole house was the same, it was also annoying hearing the same yelling from his parents relationship.

Hyunjin closed his eyes, it was getting late. Almost ten at night to be exact. He guessed he was starting his new school bright and early. Which he didn't want to do. But he didn't have an option.

He wondered who he would meet, or who he would accompany. He hoped he met a new friend who wouldn't ignore him after he switched schools.

He hoped to meet someone special, someone nice and sweet. A guy. As hyunjin hadn't had many gay relations. But he also liked his guys stubborn and dirty. He liked them independent as well, someone who didn't need hyunjin, but wanted him.

He also wasn't looking for anything too serious. He was eighteen with many years in front of him. He wasn't worried about marriage and the future with someone.

He wanted sex, which seemed weird to say, but he always desired something like that again. The feeling was entirely amazing. It was euphoric with the right person.

He wanted to feel that euphoric feeling again. He wanted to touch and be touched by someone. He hoped that he'd meet someone who was perfect.


Hii, new book
Warnings about slow updates, I have school and other things coming up. I'm also a athlete, so practices, games and getting home later than normal on practice days I just have no motivation for such. But anyways, enjoy the book!

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