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Felix opened the door to his classroom, he didn't want to acknowledge the fact he was almost ten minutes late. Though he was here, he had "business" to handle.

Felix then shut the door, catching the attention of many towards him, which he always got. But one set of eyes made him curious, there was a new guy. In the back of the class, he had never seen this long-haired guy before.

But he was attractive.

He stopped staring soon after sitting down, he didn't want his first impression to be weird or anything. He smirked a little away from everyone's vision.

"Lee Felix."

Well, fuck.

Felix's eyes looked back up at the more moody teacher, she had a problem with him."You're late, for the third time this week." Felix just looked around at the eyes staring down at him even more.

He didn't know if they were staring at the marks on his neck or him in general as they seemed to be revisiting both sights with their eyes.

Felix bit his lip harshly, he shrugged, looking at her, he didn't care. He was tired of his parents setting him up for shitty, tiring boarding schools just for him to 'act' right.

He entered this school five months ago. He met some friends, even some people he slept with, which was why he was a rumored 'whore' to the school. He could care less if that's what he was labeled.

They called him, 'easy' or 'slut'. But he couldn't help it anyway. He desired something to distract him from his terrible parents and terrible thoughts. Deep down he knew he wasn't a good person anyway, he couldn't keep a relationship.

Though he wanted one, he just couldn't, he was scared of the commitment between two human beings. "Detention, the third time this week will not be tolerated."
Felix groaned out loud, he didn't even want to be in this lousy class anyway, so he stood up slowly.

Giving anyone behind him a view of his backside. He smiled, so sarcastically as he took the yellow slip away from his teacher. God how he wanted to punt her across the room.

He hated this school, just as much as the school hated him.

Hyunjins eyes watched as the boy known as 'Lee felix' stood up. God he was attractive, his body was so nice, his face was beyond beautiful. Hyunjin tilted his head, watching him walk to the front.

"You're eyeing felix?"

Hyunjin heard he didn't know anything about the guy next to him, but he seemed cool. He was rich by the casing of items he wore and owned.

He was sitting back in his chair, staring at hyunjin completely.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"He's a whore y'know, not a good option." He muttered. Hyunjin could've cared less about what the stranger was saying. He dug his hands in his pockets once more, feeling against the pack.

"Why is he called that?"

"Just rumors."

Hyunjin watched the stranger shrug. "You're becoming pretty popular, people were talking about you in the halls— I'm minho, by the way." Minho said, he smirked a little at hyunjins side profile.

This minho guy was nice so far, he wouldn't mind being friends with this guy. "You can sit with me and my friends at lunch if you want, Felix sits there, only because of his boyfriend though."

"Whose his boyfriend?"

"His name is bangchan, but we call him Chan, he's protective. He doesn't even love Felix I'm sure."
Hyunjin rolled his eyes hearing this. Hyunjin knew he could be better than this 'chan' guy.

"Why doesn't do you think his boyfriend doesn't love him?"

"His boyfriend is a dick—" the two shared a small laugh upon hearing this. "He doesn't even let Felix go specific places, they've almost broken up at least thirty times, it's always stupid reasons to— Felix can't even wear specific clothing items because of Chan."

"So, possessive?" Hyunjin said the two got along instantly. Which was great because hyunjin didn't want to be alone for the remaining days he had in this shitty school.

"If he has a boyfriend, why is he called a whore?" Hyunjin asked as well, he was confused upon that subject but hadn't brought up anything afraid he'd sound stupid.

"He sleeps with other guys, the marks probably aren't even chans."

Hyunjin could think of many reasons. Doesn't mean he wanted Felix any less. Because he felt he could somewhat change Felix, maybe if he just had the chance to speak to him.

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