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Felix said a little quietly, as it was nighttime and he didn't want to disturb neighbors around them.
Hyunjin just opened the door wider, stepping outside to look at how pretty Felix looked under the dimmed light.

"You need anything?"

Hyunjin asked quickly.

"What do you want?"


Felix heard from hyunjin, he stepped closer, looking into hyunjins eyes, they were Curiously looking around at the pupils set in there— looking for the answer, but hyunjin was so cold and hard to read it was impossible when he just smirked, and attractive laugh slipping from his lips.

"What do you want Felix? You're at my house at eleven pm at night."
Felix just broke his character, smiling as well towards hyunjin. Honestly, he'd never felt this happy standing in front of a guy.

"Nothing, just wanted to stare at you."

"That's creepy Felix."

Even the way hyunjin said his name made his heart flutter, he was starting to imagine it differently. "Do you wanna come in? It's cold." Hyunjin asked gently.

Feeling the breeze of wind against his legs and back, Felix obviously could feel it as well, his blonde hair flowing through the wind as it passed by, honestly the way Felix's nose was red from the cold made him look even more attractive than he already was.

"Sure, I can't stay that long though— your parents aren't home though right?"

"Nope, working hours, they'd probably kill me if they found you here anyway."

"Why is that?"

"They don't support me, they probably wouldn't believe me if I said you were just a friend." Felix heard that Hyunjin's house was glorious. Hyunjin didn't act as if he was rich, he didn't wear many rich-people-like items.

Felix gently took his shoes off at the door holding against it so he didn't fall. Stepping lightly into the house. Honestly, it looked beautiful, the main ceiling was white, the staircase held brown stairs while the rest had artworks sitting against the ceiling.

"I was forced to go to a new school after my old one kicked me out. This is my last chance at a school I'm pretty sure, but I have a reason to try and stay— what did you want to talk about?"

Hyunjin watched Felix sit down at the island's round chair, staring a hyunjin as he spoke. He was attentive. "Oh, I just.." Felix looked around, he didn't want to speak his mind anymore, he'd rather listen to hyunjin.

"Wanted to know you."

Felix smiled.

"Well, tell me about you, and I'll tell you about me."

"What do you wanna know?" Felix leaned in as well as hyunjin
The two stared at each other in the eyes.

"Okay, how many relationships have you been in?"



Hyunjin gasped, he'd expected Felix to have at least four or five in his whole life. Felix was breathtaking.

"Yeah, didn't work out." Felix shared, he fixed his eyes upon the marble table beneath his arms, reminiscent of those sad memories. "He broke up with me on my birthday it sucked." Felix chuckled, though it wasn't funny it still hurt.

"After that, I just gave up, it hurt a lot." Hyunjin listened, which gave him an understanding of why Felix acts the way he does now. He doesn't let hyunjin get close to him a lot.

"I wouldn't do that to you."

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"I wouldn't treat you like that, I'd treat you better." Felix felt his face flush red, he just scoffed, looking down at his lap. "Really?" Hyunjin smirked, he just tilted his head continuing to look the younger in the eyes, the tension became stronger when he let the silence take over.

But Felix broke the eye contact, he didn't want to do anything yet. He just smiled back gently. "You don't think i would?" Hyunjin asked."I didn't say that, I just get shy, with you." They hadn't had a proper conversation before so it was a bit awkward in the silence.

But they spent the night talking about their lives, getting closer, and falling more in love with eachothers presence.


I had a two day volleyball tournament

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