Who are they?

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My mum always said that the best way to clear your mind was to go for a walk. Anytime I was fussing over something she always used to say "Go outside. Take a walk. Breathe in the fresh air. Look up at the sky. Listen to the birds sing their sweet melodies." As I remember all the times said this to me I can hear her voice in my head, telling me that this is one of those times where I'm fussing and need to take a walk. So that's what I do.

I step outside and immediately I am blinded by the bright light. I forgot that you're not meant to look directly up at the sky after you step out the house. The intensity of the sun will actually blind you. You need to let your eyes adjust to the light. That was something my dad used to tell me.

He knew all about the sun, the planets, the endless stretch of blackness that we called the universe. He told me that he wanted to be an astronaut but when the sun flares burnt out, it became too risky to go up into space. The heat would of incinerated the rocket before it had even left the atmosphere and everybody in it would be dead. The thought of my family being dead used to scare me but know I've come to except the fact that people do die. Now I just think of death as a person looking for new friends and I will admit that I'm not scared to become one of those friends. I'm not afraid to die.

Then my thoughts of death were interrupted by voices. I looked up, trying to work out where it was coming from. Then I saw them. A group of, boys I think, all walking together in a group and all coming towards the city.

The city! I turned around and ran back towards it. The people in the city hated newbies. If the group entered, all those in the city would beat the shit out of them, whoever they were.

Once I got back into the city I went straight to what was the Mayors hall. "Maggie. Maggie I need to tell you something. "
"What is it Maya?" Maggie asked when she walked into the room.
"There's people. People we don't know and they're heading straight towards us."
A look of concern came across Maggie's face. "Who are they?"
"No idea", I replied.
I looked at her before asking "Shall I sound the alarm?"

The Scorch (A Maze Runner Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now