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Once I sounded the alarm everybody went crazy. They all started running around locking up their houses making sure all their possessions were hidden so the couldn't be stolen. Those who had weapons grabbed them and walked to the city limits, standing in a line when they got there. I scoured the crowd for Jimmy. He was standing over by the fruit market. I walked over to him, grabbed his hand and pulled him along with me. I took him to the city limits. I was the one who spotted the strangers so I wanted to be there when they reached us.

As the group moved closer I could see that there was about fifteen of them. All boys, except one girl. They carried on moving closer until they were directly in front of us. The guns were drawn. Instantly the whole group threw their hands up in the air, a sign of surrender. They were scared of us. It didn't surprise me. We had shit loads of weapons and they had nothing.

"We don't mean any harm," a boy said as he stepped forward. "We're just looking for some supplies and we were hoping you might give us some."
"And why would we do that?" Maggie called out.
"Because we're important," the boy said. "We've been part of experiments done by An organisation called WICKED. They've told us that we can get a cure for this horrible disease know as the Flare if we cross this land but if we die because we don't have any food or water then we aren't going to be able to get this cure."

As he said this my heart began to race. He had been part of experiments which were run by the company my dad worked for and they might have found a cure for the disease that killed my mum. I walked over to Maggie. "We have to let them have supplies. If we give then the supplies they could give us the cure for the Flare in exchange and then that would save everyone."
"I don't know Maya," Maggie said. "They've literally only just got here and already you want to make a deal with them? How do you know we can trust them?" That's a good point I said to myself. "Okay. Maybe we can't trust them just yet."
"Excuse me," a voice interrupted. "I'd just like to introduce myself. I'm Thomas and these are my friends," he said pointing the rest of the group.

When he said his name a feeling of familiarity came across me. Thomas. I'd definitely heard that name before.
"Maya. Did he say his name was Thomas?" Jimmy asked me.
"Yeah. Why?"
Jimmy pointed over to a sign. "Is he the one mentioned on that sign?" I followed his finger to a sign. A sign instantly made me know that he could be trusted. This Thomas was the true leader. The one everyone had been waiting for. The one who was meant to save us all.

The Scorch (A Maze Runner Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن