The lighting storm

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7:00 am. Time to get up. I lay in my bed as my eyes adjusted to the light and I found the strength to get up. I hadn't had any sleep so I felt (and looked) like a zombie. I ate breakfast, got washed and dressed, made sure Jimmy was ready and got my things together before I went out to meet Thomas and Maggie.

The two of them were standing together outside the town hall. Maggie saw me coming over and smiled.
"You all ready?" She asked.
"I think so," I replied. I had everything I need so I guess I was prepared physically but I didn't know if I was prepared mentally. The idea of me seeing my father again was a big one and it just needed some time to settle in.

Thomas introduced me to everyone else in his group. A blonde kid with a British accent called Newt. A Chinese kid called Minho. Another kid called Frypan and a couple of others. Apparently they'd all been together in a Maze as part of WICKED's experiment. I stood there and introduced myself as Maya and my brother as Jimmy. When we all felt like we knew each other and were ready to go, I said goodbye to Maggie and started to walk away from the city. Not knowing if I'd come back.

We'd been walking for a couple of hours, all having a general chat. Everything was going fine. Until Frypan pointed up to the sky. "Hey. What's happened?" I followed his finger up to find that the sky had changed colour. It had gone grey. There were clouds all about. Big thick ones that looked like rain clouds.

Ever since the sun flares, the weather had always been funny. But it had never been like the weather that I was about to experience.

All of a sudden bolts of lighting started raining down on us. Everybody started to run. I grabbed Jimmy's hand and started to run towards Thomas. Everywhere around we there was lightning. Creating big craters in the group. Some were filled with people missing limbs and some were filled with bodies.

A bolt of lightning came down right by my side and made me lose balance and fall over. I got back up and carried on running. I could see Thomas in front of me. He was good runner. I heard somewhere that he was asked to become keeper of the runners back in the maze. Whatever that meant.

I carried on running. Make my legs move as fast as possible. But it wasn't fast enough. I bolt of lightning landed right next to me and sent me flying through the air. I landed with a thud, before the darkness took me over and o went into the abyss of nothing.

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