The Next City

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We woke up at about nine. Everybody looked weary and drained. The day before had been hard. Harder than I thought it would be. But I, like everyone else, was determined to get to where we needed to go.

Breakfast was eaten in silence. Nobody even looked at each other. We just concentrated on the the chewing and swallowing of our food, knowing we'd need the energy from it for today.

Everyone packed up their tents after breakfast, then we were off. Walking. In silence. The events of yesterday had caused a somber mood to fall over the group. I wanted to try and break that mood, but everybody seemed quite content, so I didn't.

We walked for a couple of hours. You couldn't hear anything apart from the odd gulp of water as thirst started to take over. I thought we were going to go the whole day like this. Not saying anything. But then the silence was broken.
"Hey," I heard Minho say. "What's that?"
I followed his finger to where he was pointing and I saw it. Another city. The next city after my own.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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