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The following day.
Your POV

I heard someone get out of bed. Most likely to see who was talking. Blue, Mrs. Lawson and I were in the kitchen laughing and joking around. I looked over at her, but quickly looked away.

"Y/N/N, what time does you flight leave?" Blue asked.

"You're leaving?" Bey asked her and I just looked at her before turning my attention back to Blue.

"Not until late tonight. I'm gonna spend some time with Klaus."

"I like Klaus. He's super cool," Blue replied.

"He's not cooler than me, right?"

"Nope, no one is cooler than my Y/N/N," she replied giving me a big smile.

"I like this tattoo. Who did it?" Mrs. Lawson asked me.

"I did it. Don't judge me. I was drunk and had a tattoo machine," I replied and she gasped.

"You were drunk and did this. I can't even count when I'm drunk," she replied making me laugh.

"Good morning," Jay said making me cringe. Blue, Mrs. Lawson and I looked at each other. Mrs. Lawson has a look on her face and I was trying my best not to laugh. He gave Blue a kiss on her forehead and I almost laughed. I took a deep breath and calmed down.

"How old is Klaus?" Mrs. Lawson.

"He's forty-four," I replied taking a sip of my orange juice.

"Really? He doesn't look that old," she replied.

"What did you say your name was?" Jay asked me.

"Y/N," I replied.

"You own Y/L/N, right?"

"Yes, I do."

"How do you know Bey?"

"Met at a meeting and became friends."

"What brings you to Germany?"

"Came to see my brother."

"He lives here."

"Is he in the military?"

"Nope. He just lives here," I replied and Blue laughed. When Bey came in, I decided it was time for me to leave. So I sent Klaus a quick text to call me.

"Bärchen, I need your help," he said.

"What's up?"

"I have a large party coming and was wondering if you'd help me cook," he asked me.

"Of course."

"Can you come now? We need to get started," he said.

"Yeah, let me just get my stuff and I'll be there," I replied.

"Leaving?" Mrs. Lawson asked.

"Yes, ma'am. My brother needs me," I replied.

"Come give me some suga before you head out," she said opening up her arms. I gave her a big hug making her laugh. She gave me a kiss on the cheek before patting my back.

"She's not the brightest bulb in the box," she whispered making me chuckle. She released me from the hug and Blue had tears falling down her cheeks. She didn't say anything. She just held her arms up. I picked her up and held her.

"I love you, Y/N/N," she said barely above a whisper.

"I love you more, my little Blueberry," I replied. I did stay until she cried herself to sleep. I laid her down in her grandmother's bed and walked over to Mrs. Lawson.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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