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July 9, 2016
On the way to Düsseldorf...

Beyoncé's POV

"Mommy, I like Y/N," Blue said out of nowhere.

"I do, too," I replied.

"You should call her," Blue said sitting in my lap.

"You just wanna talk to her," I said poking her sides. She giggled and pushed my hands away. I took my phone of the charger and FaceTimed Y/N. Blue held the phone and waited for Y/N to pick up. The call connected and Y/N's face popped up on the screen.

"Hi, Y/N/N," Blue said waving her hand excitedly.

"Hi, my Blueberry. How has your day been?" Y/N asked.

"It was good. I got to eat some really good food."

"Oh, really? Did you save me some?"

"It's all in my tummy. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, baby. Have you been having fun?"

"Yes, I got to learn some of the dances that mommy does."

"That sounds very fun," Y/N said putting down her pen and gave Blue all of her attention.

"Are you at work?"

"Yes, ma'am. I actually am."

"What do you do?"

"A lot of boring stuff. I read papers, make contracts, go to meetings, type papers, make corrections and fire people."

"Are you like the boss?"

"I am the boss."

"That's so cool. Can I come to work with you one day?"

"That's up to your mommy."

"Can I go to work with Y/N/N one day, mommy?" Blue asked me.

"After tour I have to go to meeting there, so you can come with me."

"Can I wear business clothes like Y/N?"

"Sure, baby."

"Yay, Y/N, I'm gonna look just like you."

"Yeah, but a lot more beautiful," Y/N told her and made her blush harshly. Blue handed me the phone and buried her face in a pillow.

"What happened?" Y/N asked.

"She's blushing," I said chuckling.

"Don't tell her that, mommy," Blue whined.

"She's so cute," Y/N said and Blue's ears turned red.

"I don't know what you did to my baby, but I'm gonna need you to stop it," I told her and Y/N laughed, "Can you come to Düsseldorf?"

"I didn't do anything. I'm just a great person and I suppose I could come to Düsseldorf," she said shrugging with a smile on her face. Someone walked in and her whole demeanor changed.

"Julian, what's wrong?" she asked him.

"The guys won't leave me alone. That Jerry guy made me spill coffee on myself. They're being dicks," he said and you could hear the sadness in his voice. I heard a baby angrily babbling and then start crying.

"I'm so sorry, Ms. Y/L/N," he said quickly. She reached out for the baby and he gave her the baby.

"What's wrong, pretty girl?" Y/N asked the baby, even though she knew the baby wouldn't respond. The baby put her hands over her eyes and buried her face in the crook of Y/N's neck.

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