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The Intuition

I tried to make a home outta you.

But doors lead to trapdoors. A stairway leads to nothing.

Unknown women wander the hallways at night.

Where do you go when you go quiet?

You remind me of my father, a magician. Able to exist in two places at once.

In the tradition of men in my blood you come home at 3AM and lie to me.

What are you hiding? The past, and...
the future merge to meet us here.

What luck. What a fucking curse.


(2014 Flashback)
Beyoncé's POV

What was out there at three o'clock in the morning?

He would come home at three o'clock in the morning back to back.

"I was at the studio," he would say and I'd just nodded my head, but something in me didn't believe him.

"Who were you with?"

"Some of the guys. You don't know them," he'd mumble as he would walk into the bathroom to shower. I'd shut down and stop talking.

"Bey, are you okay?" I heard someone ask and I snapped out of it. Solange was standing in front of me and looking at me like I was crazy.

"You okay?" she asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm just tired," I lied. I wasn't in the mood to eat. I just wanted to be left alone.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat," she said and I nodded.

"Mommy, look at w'at I draw," Blue said running to me with a paper in her hand. She handed me the paper and I immediately became happy.

"This is beautiful, baby. I'm gonna see if we have an extra frame. This has to be framed. This is a freaking masterpiece," I told her and she blushed. I picked her up and went to go find a frame. I found one and put the picture in it.

"W'ere we put this one, mommy?"

"Let's put it on the coffee table, so whenever people come over they can see it."

"Do you weally t'ink it's pwetty, mommy?"

"I do, baby," I told her and gave her kisses. She squealed and tried to escape my hold.

"S'op, mommy," she said laughing, but I didn't. I decided to end her misery and put her down.

"I love you, Blue," I told her and she blushed hiding her face.

"I 'ove you, mommy," she replied. My phone started ringing and Blue did a little dance to the ringtone making me laugh. I ignored the call so she could dance.

"Mommy, I wan' ance," Blue said bringing me back to reality.

"What song do you wanna dance to?"

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