Chris's place

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Phil's POV.

When i stormed out, i had no where to go. Where would i go? So i turned to the only only person I knew who would let me stay with them. Sighing and pulling up my hood, and started walking to Chris's house. I knock on the door and take a huge breath. He opens the door surprisingly quickly and is shocked when he sees me standing there. His eyes are puffy and his face is red. "Phil?" He asks through the screen door. "Hi Chris." I say. "H-Have you seen Pj?" He asks, his voice full of hope. I'm speechless. Do i really want to tell one of my ex best friends that i saw his boyfriend of three years kissing on the boy i almost kissed? The boy I loved? Yes, i do.

I told him everything, everything about Dan. Then i told him about an hour ago, and how i had stormed out. Chris just looked down, "So i need someplace to stay." Chris nodded and pointed to the couch in his living room. "I'll be in my room." He whispers with a raspy voice and walks to his bedroom.

His apartment is different from mine, its way more open with only two bedrooms, a living room area and a small kitchen. All the lights were off except a lamp that barley lit up the living room. I took my shoes off and collapse don the couch. Let me sleep, let me sleep and forget everything. I willed my mind to stop buzzing around, just wishing for Dan to get out of my mind. But i had slept forever already, and i just couldn't.

It had been an hour and i heard a quiet whimper coming from Chris's room. I got up, and by the soft light of the lamp, and walked to Chris's room. I knocked on the door softly. "Phil?" I heard him ask. I took a chance and opened the door. His room was kind of plain, not much color. Like Dan's. I pushed any thought of Dan away from my mind.

Chris was sitting in his bed and sitting completely up against the wall. He was staring at the ceiling with his hands beside him. "Chris?" I ask, and he nods not looking away from the ceiling. "Yeah?" I asks. "Who do you love?" I ask, not sure where i was going with this. "Pj. But for the longest time i had been dating this girl. I was cheating on him, and when he seemed to care more for Dan the me... Well, i lashed out and spit it out. He was so mad, but then his eyes got soft and tears began to spill over. Then he ran to the building." He pauses and tears his sight away from the ceiling to me.

"I met Dan and he was amazing. Then i found out he was the same boy i called a freak and bullied in kindergarten, causing him to be home schooled. But we got over that, and i thought we were such good friends. but then he sprang it on me, he liked me. Like, Like liked me. And then i realized, i loved him too. He kissed me, but i pushed him back and pulled away. He crashed into the table and i apologized and we hugged and we almost kissed for real but then Pj stormed in. I got mad when they kissed and stormed out." I smile sheepishly. "You win." Chris says. "Oh god he probably hates me." I say, face palming.

"Hey, Pj hates me too. How about we be hated together?" He asks, and pats the side of his bed he wasn't laying on. I looked down at my feet, deciding what to do. But i decided that i needed someone to talk to. I nod and climb onto his bed. I sit next to him. He looks at me, and i look at him. He's way taller then I am, so sitting side-by-side on a bed forces him to look down on me.

"I just miss him already." Chris says, "I'm so stupid. I cheated on him with a stupid girl i don't even like very much." He looks up at the ceiling. I follow, realizing there are glow-in-the-dark stickers on the ceiling. "Pretty." I say, smiling. "You know, you're pretty Phil. You always assume the best i people, and you could never hurt anyone." Chris says, smiling too. "Except for Dan." He nods slightly.

"Don't worry about it, it'll get better." He says. I nod. We both fall asleep staring at the ceiling and sitting up.

I wake up with a crook in my neck. I look over at Chris, who had moved in his sleep and was now laying down. His hair was sticking up everywhere and he was snoring. One leg was hanging off the side of the bed, and his arms were both reached out. He really was tall. I don't want to wake him, so i slowly get off the bed and venture into the kitchen. I look through his fridge and decide to make breakfast.

A half hour later, Chris comes out of his room. He walks up to the counter and scratches his head. "Breakfast?" He asks. I nod, "yeah."

We eat bacon and eggs on the counter standing up and in silence. "This was nice, to live with someone. To see you again too, and to just be friends with someone." Chris says. I nod and smile. "Yeah, it was cool to just talk." After that it was silent. "It's 9:00, i really should get home." I say. He nods. He suddenly hugs me, pulling me into an embrace.. I hug him back. He kisses my cheek, shocking me. He pulls away, "See you later." He says. I nod and smile again. "Thanks... for everything Chris." I say, and open the door to his apartment. He waves as i say goodbye. The door closes and i think; "A friend."

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