The Car Crash

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Pj's POV

I reluctantly walked out of the apartment when Chris wouldn't look me in the eye. I had disappointed him, and after all that had happened between all four of us... I didn't blame him. I walked across the huge street in front of Phil's building. The streets were empty, no one was out at 2:00 in the morning. I silently curse myself for being so stupid. Chris cheated on me, but I got too mad. I over reacted instead of finding a good solution.

Going over everything that had happened in the last 48 hours only fueled my anger more.I'm at the pavement on the oppisite side of the street when i hear my name. "Pj!" I turn around to see Chris staning there. "Pj, please just wait." He says. I shake my head. "Pj! Please just talk to me, i shouldn't have been mad at you for dating Dan. Or yelling at me, what i did was wrong. I'm sorry, just please wait!" Even after that apology, I can't forgive him yet. I just need time.

"Pj!" And soon Chris is running across the street, one hand out to stop me from walking away. I turn away from him, i just need time. A lot more time. I start walking away, no where in particular, but away. But then i hear a car break and a scream. I whip around, seeing Chris being flown over the roof of the car, and landing with a bone-snapping crash. "Chris!" I yell, already having my phone out and dialing 911. The driver of the car, a middle-aged man in a suit and tie, instantly gets out of the car. I've seen that face before...

But right now, what matters is helping Chris. He's bleeding. a bloody nose and his arm is bent at a weird angle. His face has road rash, and so does the arm he landed on, and it's probably all down the side of his body. "Son!" The man says, kneeling down next to Chris. I follow his lead and kneel down. I pull Chris's head into my lap, willing him to just open his eyes. "Kid!" The man says, pointing to the phone. I bring it to my ear, still looking at Chris. "Sir, are you there?" A woman's voice asks. "Yes, I-I am. My f-friend got run over." I stutter out. "Ok, where are you." I tell her the address and rattle off all the injuries i can see. "An ambulance is on it's way. Wait where you are, don't try to move the boy." She says. I nod. "Ok." I say in a quiet voice. "Oh no, my company's dead." The man says. "Is that what you care about right now?" I yell at him.

Then i realize who he is. He's the face of Ross and Co. Industries. He controls the manufacturing of many products. He's a billionaire. "Oh my god, Kurt Ross just ran over my best friend." I whisper. "Yeah, but you can't tell anyone. I'll get sued!" He exclaims. I glare at him and look back at Chris. "Please Chris, please just wake up." I say. "Please!" I say louder when he doesn't. I shake him, growing desperate. I check his pulse, putting two fingers to his neck. I wait for a moment, gorwing paniced in two seconds before i feel it. "He's breathing" I say, not looking up. "Oh thnank god." Kurt mumbles. "Shut up!" I yell at him. Just then we hear a car turning down the road. Kurt stands up, letting the person know that there are people in the street. It breaks, almost hitting Kurt.

"Go around." He yells at them, and when they honk he yells louder. "GO AROUND!" he yells, and points. The car honks, but goes around us. "Thanks." I mumble, but look down at Chris. A tear slips down my cheek and onto Chris's face. I expect him to suddenly open his eyes, living again. Dam Disney. "Chris!" I shake him more violently. He opens his eyes suddenly, gasping for air. The same moment the ambulance rounds a corner and comes blaring toward us. They break steadily and two paramedics jump out before the truck of fully to a stop.

Then it starts to rain. Wow, cliche much? But I'm too focused on Chris to complain much. His pulse is checked and his eyes are closed again. He rushed into a stretcher and wheeled to the open back of the ambulance. "Wait!" I scream, trying to gain access to the back of the ambulance. "Sorry kid!" One of the paramedics says in a husky voice. "Only immediate family!" He continues but the car's starting and the man runs and jumps into it as the doors swing close.

I'm left staring after the ambulance blaring away. Left in the rain, just staring as the tears and rain mix on my face. "Ok kid, get in." Kurt says, sighing. I don't argue with him, I need to get to the hospital. As I get in his passenger seat in his expensive car, I look up at Dan and Phil's building. Do they even know what's happening down on the street? Below all the stairs and rooms? Do they know that this night just got from horrible to even worse?

"So are you two... Uh, dating?" Kurt asks. I look at him with my mouth open, did he really just ask that? "Uh, no." I say and look down. "But you were." He says. "What?" I ask sharply. "I saw the way you looked at him. Bloody hell, you had his head in your lap. Just friends wouldn't do that." He says. "Well, he cheated on me." Kurt makes a hissing noise, "oh, sorry kid. I'm usually on the other end of it." He says, shaking his head. "Yeah..." I trail off, not sure what to say.

"He just ran in front of my car. Chasing you I assume. And if that's true, he probably still likes, uh, loves you." He says. I just got reassured on my love life by the Kurt Ross. Wow, a crazy night alright.

I'm plagued with thoughts of Chris. Would my love die out? Or would he struggle and survive. If Chris survived, I would never be mad at him again. Ever. I would hold him close and love him throughout all the ups and downs. No matter what, and unconditionally. Then I realized k should have thought of Chris like that from the start.

It should have been unconditional from the start. I instantly hate myself for it.

What is going to happen?

What should happen?

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