Happening too fast

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This chapter might be a little sad. All POV's will be addressed. This will also be the last chapter.

Dan's POV
I wake up to an ear-splitting ringing. I look around and see Phil. He hands are wrapped tightly around my waist. What happened last night? I need to get up to answer the phone that's blaring, but i don't want to wake Phil. I slowly and gently un-tangle myself from him and get up. I rush to the phone and reach it, right when it stops ringing. "Shit." I curse. Sighing, my arms drop to my side and i walk into the kitchen, i should make something.

As i'm sifting through all of the cereals and find Wheaties, only to find that it's only crumbs. "Bloody hell Phil." I exclaim to myself. I start to look for another box of cereal i feel like eating when the phone rings again. Whoever is ringing us is persistant. I walk to the same phone and pick it up on the second ring. "Hello?" I ask, wondering who it could be because no one calls the apartment phone. "Dan!" I instantly know it's Pj. "Hey Pj, why didn't you call my cell?" I ask. "Becasue my phone died and i don't have m-my charger with me and i don't know your number by heart and it's just been a really long night." I take a minute to process everything he just said because he's talking really fast.

It doesn't sound like Pj, his voice is full of anger and sadness and panic. He's not himself, and in the moments of silence i hear a phone ring in the background and a nurse answering it. The normal shuffle of starngers and the silence of a waiting room. Where is he? "Pj, where are you? What has happened?" I ask. "I'm in the hospital! Chris got run over," He says. I hang up.

I barley know Chris, but him being ran over? Suddenly my heart melts, the fight everyone had last night. Did he do it on purpose? What if he never wakes up? His last memory will be of the fight. Suddenly i regret coming here. I regret everything. Everything.

I run to the Phil's bedroom where we woke up and shake him awake. "Phil!" I yell. His eyes slowly open and he wakes up. He looks me up and down and blushes. "What?" I ask. He points, and i realize i don't have nay pants on. I only have boxers on, and Phil starts to giggle. I almost lose myself, laughing too, but remember Chris. "It's not funny!" I yell at Phil, it comes out a little more harsh than i intended it to. "What's wrong?" He asks as i mumble "shit." I pull on the pants from yesterday. I squeeze the skinny jeans on and rush into my room across the hall. "Wait Dan!" Phil says, and i hear his footsteps on the floor. "Hold on!" I say, closing my door as i rush into my room. I walk over to the drawers and throw on a shirt. Right now, they all look the same.

"Dan!" Phil says and practically rushes down the door. "Dan!" He yells again. I don't respond as i throw all the covers off my bed looking for my phone and wallet. "Dan!" He yells again and i look up from my bed, "What!?" I scream at him. He looks at me with his big sad puppy dog eyes and suddenly quiets down. I don't bother to cheer him up, because right now we need to go to the hospital.

"Where are your keys?" I ask him. I grab my gray beanie and shove it on. "Dan!" He says again. "What?" I say more gently. "What is going on?" He asks. "Chris got ran over last night. All because of us and now we need to go to the hospital. Now." I say. I watch Phil's face fall. His smile falls into a look that was full of panic. His eyes widen and after a moment of just staring into my eyes with his, he rushes into his room and comes out a second later fully dressed. His hair is de-shivled and standing on end. He grabs a scarf and wraps it around his neck and rushes to the living room and grabs his keys off the counter.

I follow him as he flies down the stairs, not even bothering to lock the door. I push it shut and start the journey down the three stories of stairs. But for once i ignore the burning in my legs and chest, and run down. I'm not as fast as Phil but soon we're at the car and rushing out of the parking lot. The ride is eerily silent. Phil is constantly speeding up and running lights, collecting middle fingers and slurred curse words from everyone around us.

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