Chapter 15

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Walking into Violet's house seemed so foreign now. We walked in and through the house in silence. As we entered her room, she broke the silence. "Things are weird. I know it's not just me. Things are weird with you and everyone now, and they have been since you and Osbourne."

"I don't mean for them to be," I mumbled under my breath.

"I'm not blaming you, Dee. I'm just saying that things are weird, and I wish they weren't. I know you had big plans to leave us all behind after graduation, but I miss my best friend."

I looked over at her. She was sitting on her bed with her knees pulled up to her chest, and I had never seen her look so sad before. Guilt swelled in my chest. I had pushed her and Marco away because Scarlet didn't like Osbourne. It wasn't intentional. I just knew they weren't willing to stand up to Scarlet, and I didn't want to listen to Scarlet's opinions on Osbourne.

I sat next to her on the bed and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. Quietly I said, "I'm sorry, Vi. I didn't mean to bail on you. I just didn't want to deal with Scarlet making me feel bad about something that made me happy."

She nodded and squeaked, "I get it." We were silent for a moment before she spoke again. "What happened between you and Osbourne?"

I let out a shaky breath as the tears formed. "We had a sort-of fight that was caused by a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstandings are fixable," she voiced, hopeful.

I nodded as the tears fell. "They are," I began as emotion filled my voice, "But missing out on the funeral for my parents and not checking on me isn't."

"He hasn't checked on you at all?"

I began sobbing as I shook my head. "You have, Joshua, Marco, and even Bowie, but he hasn't."

Violet wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back. "I'm sorry, Dee. I don't know what else to say, but I'm sorry."

Half an hour. That's how long I sobbed while Violet comforted me. All the nervousness and awkwardness between us was gone, and it was like nothing had changed between us. It was like we hadn't spent any time apart. It was comfortable. I still felt dead and empty, but at least I took back an important friendship. 

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