Chapter 22

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I suppose that time in my life was the time for poor decisions. I don't remember what exactly my thought process was that morning, but for whatever reason, I thought it was a good idea to take a joint to school with me. I knew it was a bad idea to leave it in my locker, so I just kept it and my lighter in my jacket pocket. The first half of the day, I just kept thinking about the joint in my pocket and how badly I wanted to smoke it. I knew it would be a bad idea to smoke the whole thing by myself at school, but I didn't know anyone at school who would smoke with me.

Lunch rolled around, and I slipped out the back doors of the school and headed for the bleachers. I sat underneath them with my legs tucked in a crisscross position. I pulled out the joint and lighter. Flicking the lighter on, I brought it up to the joint that was held tightly between my lips. As the flame engulfed the tip, I breathed deeply. There was a tickle in my throat as the smoke filled my lungs. I held the cough down as best as I could as I exhaled. Once all the smoke was out, the coughing fit began. I waved the smoke away, and just as I was about to take another hit, I heard voices drawing near. As they came closer, I realized I knew the voices.

"Dee, is it cozy under there?" Violet smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes at her and giggled. "It's actually not that bad. Bring a pillow and a blanket, and it'll be cozy enough to sleep under here." I paused then asked, "So, what are the two of you doing together?"

Violet glanced behind her at Bowie. "We were looking for you."


"You weren't in the cafeteria or at your locker. I was concerned. I found him in front of your locker."

I looked over at Bowie. "Why were you at my locker?"

"I wanted to check on you. Make sure you were okay since our last talk."

I nodded. "I'm feeling pretty good right now," I said as I brought the joint back to my lips for another hit.

"When did you start doing that?" Violet asked as she took a seat beside me.

I exhaled, choking at the end, before answering her. "It's recent."

"Can I?" Violet held her hand out for a hit.

"Uh...have you before?" I asked, uncertain of turning her on my bad habit.

She took it from me, taking a long drag while nodding. She exhaled before being enveloped in a coughing fit like I had. "Last year when I was going through that breakup. Scarlet gave me some, but now that she doesn't do it, she'll talk shit about anyone who does."

"I didn't know Scarlet smoked."

"She kept it pretty well hidden. I wouldn't have known if she hadn't given me some."

Bowie came closer and sat beside me. I had forgotten he was there. Violet reached across me and offered him the joint. He just waved his hand in a dismissive manner.

"Bowie doesn't smoke," I voiced.

Violet took another hit before handing it back to me.

"You should be careful doing that at school," Bowie stated.

I nodded. "It was probably a bad idea to do this here, huh?" I smirked at him.

He looked amused as he replied, "Yeah, definitely not your best idea."

"So, we hung out, and now you've been AWOL again. What's going on with you?" Violet asked.

I hesitated, looking down at the joint held between my fingers. I sighed before answering, "I ran into Osbourne the other day."

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