Chapter 17

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It had been three days since that day with Osbourne on the cliff. I hadn't been back to school. I told Evangeline that I needed a little more time away from school. After discussing with Earnest, they decided to let me stay home the rest of the week, but I had to start back the following Monday.

Once Phoenix and Destiny left for school and Earnest and Evangeline for work, I would sneak out and just walk around. I never had a plan on what I would do or where I would go. I would just start walking. It wasn't until the third day that I ended up somewhere I shouldn't have been. It was a little past where Osbourne lived, in a terrible neighborhood. That was the day I met Zen and his friends.

They were sitting around a picnic table near the skatepark. I wasn't going to stop. I was just going to walk past them. But someone yelled a vulgar comment about my "nice ass" at me, and I stopped in my tracks and turned around. I stomped over to them and snapped, "Who the hell said that?"

The smell of marijuana wafted from them as I glared at the small group of people. One of the boys chuckled and pointed at the other boy sat there and said, "It was him."

I turned my harsh gaze onto the culprit, and his eyes widened. He looked at the boy who spoke and snipped, "Why'd you rat me out, Zen?"

He chuckled again and said, "Because she looks pissed, and I'm not getting my ass beat over you."

"What's your name?" I snapped at the boy.

He turned his attention back to me and hesitated. "Havoc," he mumbled.

"Well, Havoc, what was it you wanted to do to me and my ass?"

Zen began laughing loudly as the color drained from Havoc's face.

When Havoc didn't respond, I spoke again. "What's wrong? You can only make vulgar comments when the girl is walking away, but you don't have the balls to say anything to her face?"

My statement elicited more laugher from Zen and caused Havoc's face to flush bright red.

Once his laugher calmed, Zen spoke. "I like you. What's your name?"

I looked at him for a moment, debating whether to continue this interaction or to walk away. Finally, I answered, "Delta."

"Delta, I'm Zen. You've met Havoc," he began motioning and introducing me to the people around the table, "That's Tess and Jewel."

"You smoke?" Jewel asked.

I shook my head as I looked at the joint in her hand.

Tess and Jewel looked at each other before Tess spoke. "Do you want to?"

If I had been asked that question a month ago, I wouldn't have even considered it. Before losing my parents, I would've said no in a heartbeat. But they weren't here to be disappointed. They weren't here to tell me that I shouldn't be doing things like that or socializing with people who do.

After a moment of consideration, I stepped towards Jewel and said, "Sure."

That was another turning point in my life. That was the first choice that would send me further into a downward spiral as my life continued to fall apart.

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