Chapter 28

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The days went by in a blur of schoolwork, crying, and spending time with my foster family. Before I knew it, it was time to have the ankle monitor removed, and I had to start packing for California. I would be flying out two days.

Evangeline came to my room to help me pack. An uncomfortable silence fell between us as we did so. We hadn't spent much time alone together. Just as I was beginning to think packing with her would be unbearable, she broke the silence.

"Earnest and I are so happy for the time we got with you."

I looked over at her hesitantly. "I did nothing but cause trouble for you."

"That's not true. These past few weeks, you really opened up to us. Phoenix and Destiny have loved the time they've had with you. They really think of you as a sister."

I stopped what I was doing and looked over at her. "But I'm not their sister. I'm leaving."

She shook her head. "It doesn't matter where you are, you have a home here, with us." She looked up at me and continued, "You've had your bad moments, but you're just a kid who lost too much too early."

Tears filled my eyes, and my chest tightened. "Does Earnest feel the same?"

She nodded. "You're always welcome here. I hope things go well for you in California, but if you ever want to come back here, you can. You can always visit, too."

I wrapped my arms around her and began crying into her shoulder. She returned the hug and rested her chin on my head. "It's okay, Delta."

"Thank you. Thank you for being so nice to me, even when I didn't make it easy."

"That's what family's for." She pulled away and wiped my tears away. "Now, let's hurry and get everything packed, and we can start planning a small going-away party for tomorrow."

I smiled at her. "A party for our little family?"

She nodded and said, "And any of your friends."

My smile grew. "I can have my friends over?"

"Of course. I don't want you to leave without seeing them first."

"Thanks, Evangeline."

She smiled at me and said, "Of course."

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