Chapter 18

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It was now Sunday, and I only had the day left until I would have to return to school and face everyone again. I had been meeting up with Zen, Havoc, Tess, and Jewel everyday since I met them. We all smoked together at the skatepark then walked around the neighborhood.

"Starting tomorrow, I won't be able to hangout with you guys until after school lets out," I announced to the group.

"Laaame!" Tess shouted.

I chuckled at her. "Sorry, but I have to go."

"Why?" Havoc asked.

"Uhh..." I hesitated. "That's a good question. Because I'm supposed to, I guess," I chuckled out.

"Let me guess, parents have high expectations," Havoc said with a raised eyebrow.

At the mention of my parents, I stopped in my tracks, and it felt as though I'd been punched in the chest. Zen looked over me with concern on his face. I shook my head, "No, no parents. I'm not really sure what my foster parents expect of me either."

"Shit," Havoc stated, looking panicked. "I didn't know you were an orphan."

I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. "That's the first time someone has come out and called me an orphan."

Zen cleared his throat and asked, "Was it recent?"

I nodded, "Yeah. It was pretty recent."

"Like this year?" Havoc asked.

"This year, last month," I mumbled back.

"Ah man, I feel like shit." Havoc rubbed the back of his neck.

"Don't worry about it. You didn't know," I assured.

"So, you go back to school tomorrow," Zen interrupted.

"Yeah. Definitely not looking forward to it."

"Are there at least hot guys to look at?" Jewel asked.

I chuckled dryly. "Well, my recent ex is there."

"How recent?" Tess inquired.

"Right after the parents died," I stated.

"Damn. You're having a really shitty time lately," Havoc said.

"Yeah, things have been pretty shitty lately," I chuckled.

"Things end badly?" Zen asked.

"It definitely wasn't good."

"Did he at least have the decency to go to the funeral and check on you?" Jewel asked.

"Nope," I said before adding, "But his best friend did."

"Is he hot?" Tess asked with a mischievous grin.

I laughed and said, "He's not bad looking."

"Good enough to be eye candy throughout the school day?" Jewel asked suggestively.

"I don't know about that. He's been a good friend to me through everything."

"Boyfriends that started out as just friends are always the best," Jewel stated.

"I agree, but there's not going to be another boyfriend for a long time," I replied.

"Enough about boyfriends. What you need is a 'special' buddy," Havoc suggested with hand quotes.

"I have a feeling I'm going to regret asking this. What's a 'special' buddy?" I responded.

"A friend with fun benefits," he said while wiggling his eyebrows.

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