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Jaehyun's pov
I pulled over the uni parking ground and walked towards the college with my best friend or should I say my cousin Johnny. As we were Infront of the college someone called me and johnny from behind.
We looked over to see my brother jeno and Johnny's brother haechan.
"Jaehyun hyung.! Johnny hyung.! "
Haechan screamed as me and Johnny started walking towards the uni ignoring them.
Haechan ran towards us as jeno slowly followed him.

"Aah hyung. Shouldn't you guys be taking care of us. You guys didn't even bother giving us a ride and just left without us. Aaahh I am fucking tried running all the way. " Haechan said while catching his breath.
"Haechaaah you better not use those fucking curse word in front of taeil hyung or else he would definitely blame me for it. " Johnny said to haechan.

"Hyungs what should we first do.?where should we go first.? " Jeno asked while looking around the uni totally fed up with his two cousin brothers.
"How about we eat something first.? I am fuc... Aah Very hungry I mean" Said haechan while walking towards the uni ignoring the glare Johnny was giving him.

We entered the uni and as usual many girls very screaming and following us as we entered the canteen. We all sat together at our Usual table .while Johnny brought us our food. We all started eating.
"And you guys just go to the office after this you will get your time table from there"Johnny said while stuffing his mouth with food.
"Aah then bring us there hyung.. " Haechan said with his mouth full of food.
"No.we are busy. " I said while looking at my phone.
" Haaa Jaehyun hyunggg.. " Haechan started nagging
I totally ignored him as he continued annoying me.

<Time skip>

Johnny and jaehyun left haechan and jeno in front of the college map and now both of them are standing on hallway confusedly looking at the huge college map.
"Ahh.. I don't understand a fucking thing. Let me just call taeil hyung. " Said haechan while picking up his phone.

"Hello, haechannie! " Taeil said as he picked his phone.
" Hyuunngg!! Those jaehyun hyung and Johnny hyung just abandoned us in front of this fuc.. Aahh I mean this huge college map and we don't understand a thing. Come on hyung help us where should we go.? "
Haechan fake cried through the phone hopping that taeil will definitely scold Johnny and jaehyun for leaving them alone.
" Aah haechannie but now I am soo busy with my music club.." taeil replied cursing both Johnny and jaehyun in mind.
"Mm really then what shall we do.? " Asked a sulky haechan.
" Do one thing just wait there I am coming. " Taeil said hanging up.
"Bahahah.. Johnny hyung and jaehyun hyung you guys are finished. " Haechan said looking over to jeno who was just looking at his phone ignoring him.

<Time skip>

"Haechanaah, jenooyah.." Taeil said running to them
Haechan just jumped onto taeil hugging him.
"Aah.. There is no time for this hugging and all, come with me fast. " Taeil said before dragging both the youngers with him.
"Student council "
Haechan read the board written above the room taeil was heading to.
"Doyoungaah.. " Both the younger looked at the elder wondering who he is calling.
"Aah taeil hyung come in" A voice can be heard from inside the room.
"Aah taeyongaah where is doyoungie " Taeil asked to male sitting in the chair doing something like paperworks.
"Ooh he just went with ten to find lucas. You know lucas he is nowhere to be seen and ten is looking for him with doyoung. " Taeyong said while taking his eyes off the paper looking at taeil and raised his eyebrows when he saw other two unfamiliar faces. "Aahh This is my younger brother haechan and this is my cousin brother jeno. They just joined the college" Taeil introduced the unfamiliar faces to taeyong.
" Ooh then they must be in the same class with jungwoo, mark and lucas. And hyung this is jungwoo doyoung's brother and this is Mark my brother. Taeil smiled at them before asking taeyong.
"Taeyongaah do me a favor ask doyoung to take care of these two for me today. You know I have to be at the music club now. "
" Yeah hyung no problem I will tell doie you can go. " Taeyong replied to the older.
" Hey guys just chill and sit there, Doyoung will be here soon".taeyong said before getting back to his work.
Jeno was scanning the room while haechan was busy scanning someone and he flinched when the council president coughed really hard looking at him enough for him to understand that he will be dead if he didn't stop his scanning.

<Time skip>

Doyoung's  pov

"Aah I am tired.. " I said to ten while I lost all my energy .I said as a sat down looking at ten who is seriously thinking about something.
He then looked at me before saying "I gave up. Like I can't. Where the hell is he.? We literally looked everywhere. Let's just go back and also I have to go to the media club" Ten said as I nodded and we splitted our ways

I entered the council room to see two unfamiliar faces one was looking around and looked at me as i entered the room while the other was busy staring at Mark.!
Like seriously his brother aka council president is right here in front and he have the nerve to stare at Mark. Jungwoo came towards us followed by a blushing Mark. Mark came towards me hiding behind me
" Ahh doie this is taeil hyung's brother haechan and his cousin jeno. He is busy with music club so he asked if you can take care of them for today" Taeyong hyung said while I once more looked at the haechan boy who was having an annoying expression.
"Ooh ok. It's fine for me " I said as I walked to my table a little far from taeyong hyung picking my bag and going towards the office followed by the youngers. The haechan boy was trying his best to talk to Mark but Mark was just ignoring the others effort.
"Ok Mark and jungwoo wait here and you guys come with me " I said as I entered the office followed by the said two.

<Time skip>

I was in my class after leaving the youngers in their respective classes .There is only 5 more mins for the lecture but ten is nowhere to be seen. I looked over to the door and Speaking of the devil I saw him peeking inside the class before running to me and sat on the seat next to me.
"Where were you.?" I asked while looking at him
" Ooh that brat lucas I found him and I just left him in his class" Ten said while grabbing his books and pen from his bag.
I laughed at him
And the professor came and our classes started.

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