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" Jaehyun hyung are you sure he will like this. I never saw him wearing watches. "

"Ooh ten that's what I am saying he should try new things and if you are the one who buys it he will definitely use it. And we had bought him other gifts too right. It's not like this watch is the only gift. "

"Yeah ok then I will buy it please pack it."
Ten said to the salesgirl

"Wait where is doyoung.?" Jaehyun said

"Huh he. ooh there. " Ten said and both ten and jaehyun walked towards doyoung.

"Mm can you please take that one out. I will buy this one. " Doyoung said to the salesman.

" That watch looks so big for you. " Ten said

"Aah it's not for me. " Doyoung said smiling.

" Ooh then it is for whom.? "

"Secret." Doyoung said and walked to the billing counter

"Finally.. " Ten said and entered the car

"Jaehyun hyung you are sure right he will like the gifts."

"Ooh come on ten he will like anything that you buy for him. "

Just then ten's phone started ringing

"Ooh it's johnny hyung.shh don't make any noise ok"

"Hello hyung. "

"Ooh me and doyoung just went for a small shopping why.? "


"Ooh really then I will meet you there. "


"Love you too " Ten said and hanged the phone.

"Hey jaehyun hyung can you drop me here johnny hyung is coming I will come with him you guys can go first." Ten said and exited the car.

"Ok then we will go before johnny sees us ok bye. " Jaehyun said and drove off the car.

The ride was silent as doyoung was looking outside the window and jaehyun was driving while peeking glances at doyoung.

"Mm it's almost 8 how about we have dinner before returning to the dorm. " Jaehyun asked

"Ooh mm yeah ok. " Doyoung said and jaehyun smilied and drove to a nice looking small restaurant

" Come let's sit there. " Jaehyun said and doyoung nodded.

They ordered the food and started eating.
"Ooh this is really good" Doyoung said with his doe eyes after having a bite.

Jaehyun nodded his head smiling as he can't control himself as doyoung looked really cute.

"Excuse me can i get 3 sets of this and this as parcel. "
Doyoung said and the waiter nodded his head
"you really liked it that much. " Jaehyun asked
"Yeah I really liked it so I just want the others to taste it as well. " Doyoung said.

'He is making me fall for him too deep' jaehyun thought to himself.

" Sir your bill."

" No jaehyun i will pay for this" Doyoung said taking the bill.

"Sorry doyoung but that won't happen. " Jaehyun said and grabbed the bill and payed the money.

" Come on doyoung it's alright it's not that expensive or something. "

"Sir here is your parcel. " The waiter gave the parcel to jaehyun.

"I will carry the parcel. " Doyoung said but jaehyun didn't gave him it and walked outside the restaurant

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