Chapter - 1

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Nyx's POV

As dawn unfolded, a call from Vogue whispered promises of modeling stardom, yet beneath the surface of glamour, weariness crept in. Amidst the enchanting whirl of opportunities, a quiet yearning for respite emerged. A desire to gently step back and weave a pause into my story, allowing the threads of reflection to intertwine with the allure of possibilities.

Halfheartedly picking up the call, I muttered, "Hello, Mr. Brown. When's the photoshoot?" His voice held a touch of concern, "It starts in about 3 hours, and you should be here now." With an audible sigh, I replied, "Got caught up, but I'll manage to be there in 30 minutes," and promptly ended the call. In the haze of morning lethargy, I reluctantly got out of bed, resigned to the impending monotony of an unplanned task.

With a hurried sense of readiness, I descended the staircase, my steps echoing through the quiet house. Navigating to the kitchen, I mechanically prepared a cup of coffee, the comforting warmth enveloping my hands. Stepping into the familiar confines of my car, the engine hummed to life, and I set out on the road. The rhythmic hum of the engine and the aroma of coffee created a backdrop for the uneventful drive to the shoot, the morning unfolding in a series of routine motions without any notable flourish.

 The rhythmic hum of the engine and the aroma of coffee created a backdrop for the uneventful drive to the shoot, the morning unfolding in a series of routine motions without any notable flourish

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The moment my car pulled up, a sudden frenzy erupted - paparazzi, like eager shadows, encircled me, their cameras flashing like fireflies in the early dawn. Amidst the chaotic symphony of questions, the air buzzed with ridiculous rumors, the most absurd being a concocted tale about a supposed romance with my co-star.

Yet, stepping into the studio brought a welcome change. The bustling energy of professionals seamlessly replaced the pandemonium outside. Each step was met with grace as they ushered me towards the heart of the preparations. "Ma'am, let's explore some exquisite outfits for you," suggested one, while another chimed in with a gentle smile, "Enhancing your natural beauty with some makeup will be delightful." Embracing the orchestrated dance of expertise, I found solace in the collaborative effort that unfolded around me.

As the first look materialized, my hair elegantly gathered in a ponytail adorned with a chic top hat. Cloaked in a shimmery black top paired with sleek silk shorts, the ensemble was completed with fashionable fishnet stockings and silver heels that added a touch of glamour. A subtle yet radiant light makeup accentuated the overall allure, creating a harmonious blend of sophistication and style.

For the second look, my hair embraced a casually tousled charm, framing the simplicity that defined the ensemble. Clad in a denim coat paired with matching jeans, the absence of makeup allowed the natural essence to shine through. This particular outfit held a special place in my heart, a favorite among the array of dresses, for its understated elegance that whispered of timeless style.

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