Chapter - 2

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Nyx's POV

In a swift 20-minute journey, we arrived at the stately entrance of Anderson & Vanguard Law Group. The office exuded an atmosphere of refined professionalism, and as we stepped inside, a subtle hush fell over the room. Whispers and sidelong glances accompanied our entrance. Azrael couldn't help but quip, "If I were here alone, no one would have notice me" "You're the prince; everyone knows you, idiot," I chuckled in response as we strolled towards the reception. Inquiring about Ethan.

"Sir, ma'am, do you have an appointment? We can't let you go without one," she asserted, prompting both of us to raise our eyebrows in surprise. Azrael, leaning in, inquired, "Do you know who I am?" Unfazed, she sassily retorted, "Yes, handsome, you are the prince. You may go in, but this one has to stay here." I sensed Azrael growing agitated, so I quickly caught his arm and shook my head.

In a matter of moments, Ethan descended, warmly embracing Azrael and me. Reacting swiftly, he addressed the situation by promptly dismissing the impolite receptionist. With the unpleasantness behind us, we entered Ethan's office.

As soon as we entered Ethan's office, he pulled me into another warm hug and embraced Azrael as well

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As soon as we entered Ethan's office, he pulled me into another warm hug and embraced Azrael as well. "Okay, what the heck are you both doing here?" he asked us sarcastically. I pouted and replied, "Oh, I thought I can see my best friend whenever I want." Ethan turned to Azrael and quipped, "She didn't change, did she?"

"Nah, she's still the same drama queen we knew in college," Azrael chuckled. I strolled over and playfully sat in Ethan's chair, saying, "Please sit down and tell me why you're here," mimicking Ethan. Both of them rolled their eyes while Azrael urged Ethan to call Gabriel and Harper. Ethan agreed, dialed their numbers.

"They mentioned they'd be here in 10 minutes," Ethan shared. Azrael nodded in acknowledgment. Ethan then turned to me, teasingly asking, "Nyx, what mischief did you get into now?" I feigned innocence, questioning how he always assumed I was up to something. "Because that one is a prince, and he can get out of anything," Ethan sassed back.

I playfully rolled my eyes, replying, "All of you are incorrigible. Azrael wanted to share something, that is why we are here". The three of us started arguing till those two come cause we had nothing better to do.

After 10 minutes, both Gabriel and Harper entered Ethan's office. I eagerly got up from my chair and ran to Gabriel, hugging him tightly. He lifted me off the ground, spinning me around. "I missed you, Gabi," I exclaimed, and small smiles graced everyone's faces. Our bond was evident to everyone in the room, a friendship formed in childhood.

I then went over to Harper, hugging her, and she embraced me in return. Gabriel turned to Azrael, questioning, "Why did you call us?" Ethan countered, "How are you so sure it's not Nyx?" Gabriel chuckled, "Because she would have sneaked into our houses at night and told us one by one." He mimicked me, placing his hands on his head. I grinned, saying happily, "You're the only one who knows me."

"Okay, quit it and allow Azrael to tell us," Harper intervened, making us all fall into a hushed silence as we turned our attention to Azrael. I gave him an encouraging nod, and he let out a sigh before motioning for us to sit on the couches in Ethan's office. As we settled down, I took a seat next to Azrael, and he instinctively placed his hand on my thighs. I started playing with the rings he was wearing.

"Um, I wanted all of you to come to the coronation," he finally said. "Of course, dude, relax," Ethan reassured, while Harper got excited, asking him when it was. Gabriel, focused on me, raised an eyebrow, indicating Azrael's hand on my thighs. I just shrugged my shoulders in response. "We'll be there, A. Tell us when we should be there," Gabriel asked, and Azrael relaxed, throwing his arm over my shoulders.

"Dad is going to tell everyone today. I would like you people to stay in the Castle for 2 months till the coronation," Azrael announced. "Dude, two months? What about the firm?" Ethan asked, concern etched on his face. "It's not like you will be on house arrest or something. You can go out, but you will have guards escorting you for some time until people get settled down," Azrael explained.

"Nah, I need a break. I'm going to message Mr. Brown to only contact me if it's necessary for the next two months," I chimed in. "Okay, why guards?" Gabriel asked Azrael. "For your protection, of course," Azrael replied in a duh tone. "You people are like family to me, and there may be attacks if someone doesn't accept me as the king, so that is why most of you will be staying in the palace. I would kill myself if anything happened to any of you," he said, and I sensed his grip tightening on my shoulder.

"Okay, fine. We will stay at the palace," Harper said on behalf of all of us. Ethan's phone rang, and he put it on speaker. "Sir, the press has surrounded the building," someone reported. "What the fuck!" Ethan exclaimed. "Sir, they want to talk to Azrael," he added. "I think you are not my friend, so I will like you to address me with my proper title," Azrael asserted. "I am sorry, Prince Lennox. The press wants to talk to you about your father's announcement," he explained while Ethan promptly cut the call.

"I'm going to call the guards; they'll be here soon," Azrael announced before leaving to make the call. "Okay, what is happening between you and Azrael?" Gabriel asked once he knew Azrael couldn't hear us. "Oh yeah, even I noticed," Harper said, smirking. "Did he tell you before us?" Ethan questioned.

"Yes, he told me before you, and he is my friend. Nothing is happening," I assured them. Just as Azrael was returning, I motioned for them to shut up. "Okay, they'll be here in 10 minutes," he said, sitting down next to me and raising an eyebrow at their curious expressions.

"Okay, I'm going to ask Nyx a question here," Ethan began, and I shot him a pointed glare, signaling him not to start anything. Fortunately, he caught on and said, "No, thank you; she's about to kill me," which elicited laughter from everyone.

"When do you want us to move, Azrael?" Harper smoothly changed the topic. "I would like you people to move in today," Azrael replied.

"Let's meet at my place. We can have food and then head to the palace," I suggested, and everyone agreed. The guards arrived, and soon, everyone started going their separate ways. Some guards were assigned to accompany each of us.

"Azrael, with whom are you going?" I inquired, and he replied that he would be coming with me. Smirks exchanged among the group, all eyes turned to me. Soon, we reached home.

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