Chapter 3

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Nobody pov

There was a gruelling long silence . Branch revealed one of his major traumas, He waited for them impatiently as he twiddled with his fingers.

Poppy was not angry, she was pissed

"You abandoned him for 20 years without coming back despite knowing he was a baby" she asked john dory, grinning to not show how pissed off she was.

He could see right through her smile and backed away a bit. Branch sighed, "Poppy, I need to talk to you" he turned to his girlfriend. 

They walked far enough for anyone to hear, then branch started. "H-He...does not know" he said, gesturing with his hands. "He does not know?!" she whispered shouted. 

However, John had great hearing and got a bit curious and concern. "What know about what?" he asked.

Branch lowly spoke, not looking at him, "Say one more word and you will not live to see the light of day again" John dory immediately backed up more.

Branch then searched his mind through mind reading. I need to tell him floyd's in danger, held captive, john dory thoughts echoed branch's head.

H then sighed, "Poppy and you, let's go" he said, pointing to his brother and his girlfriend as walking away. "Wait, where?" JD and poppy said together.

"We gotta rescue floyd, remember?" he turned to them as he widen his eyes. Poppy understood the mind reading, "Ohh, yea that" she said to JD as she followed branch. 

John Dory was so utterly confused about how he knew but he shrugged it off. He then smiled, "Great, oh 👹Rhonda👹" he called.

Soon, the round started to shake and a large armadillo bus came out of the ground. It started everyone so much branch was going to transform into his nightwing. 

Rhonda panted but when she turned to branch, she knew what he was and bowed to him like he was a king. "huh?" JD was confused. 

"Eh, some pets do this" he said to john as he got on, "Wait, our wedding?!" Gristle said aloud. "Oh yea" poppy remembered.

"I pronounce you husband and wife, you may know kiss the bride" said the lady in the centre. King gristle and bridget ended on the floor, kissing each other.

"Bye guys! We're getting the band back together!" Branch and poppy waved to their friends as they waved back at them.

 "How do you kno-" John Dory was interrupted by poppy. "And have an awesome honeymoon" Poppy shouted to her bestie.

Soon, the three of them took off to find the first on their list:


Yea I am so sorry this is quite short. iI was busy Next chapter, Spruce to Bruce I'll work on it tmr I wanna sleep byeeeee

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