Chapter 5

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Branch pov

"And I thought you wouldn't recognise me" I giggled. Bruce stared at me, wide eyed. Unexpectedly, he tackled me in a hug.

"Nice to see you too?" I stuttered. "You're bigger now" he chuckled, letting go of me. "Spruce!" Called out a voice. "I go by bruce now-"

Poppy and John Dory came running to me and Bruce. Bruce seemed to still be angry with John since he rolled his eyes at the sight of him.

"Nice to meet the second abandoner" poppy glared at Bruce. I guess she is going to say one insult to every brother of mine that abandoned me.

That's why I love her. 

"Not a great timing guys, I'm babysitting my kids while my wife's out" he said as we entered his restaurant.

Me and poppy exchanged smiles of surprise. Great, now I have nieces and or nephews to waste money on.

"Wait wait wait, you're a father?!" John Dory sounded shocked and happy for Bruce. "Yep, 12 boys and 1 girl" he laughed. We just stared at him in shock. 

" Oh hi honey, these are my brothers..unexpectedly" he waved to his wife, "I thought you were out" he asked.

"Yeah but marge got stomach flu so we ended early" she said, taking off her green sunglasses. "Oh, hey hi, I'm Bruce's wife" she waved to us.

We waved back, she was very tall and big. "This is my business partner and wife, brandy. She is my soulmate, my very tall soulmate but we make it work" Bruce said, holding his heart.

John Dory pointed at her and slowly spoke, "How..?" He asked. Bruce then came over and he put a hand on jd's shoulder and said, "Don't ask.." he said seriously.

"Being a father was like..a side shift in my brain" he said as  he stepped away and  handed his son a cookie. "By the way, why are you guys here?" he asked, looking at john.

"Bruce, we need to hit the perfect family harmony for" John Dory was interrupted by bruce groaning.

"You're still going on about that? Hey, get these guys meals to go" he said as he walked away. "Spruce, we need to do it for Floyd, he's being held captive" john gestured.

"What?! Then what are we waiting for?? We need to call the cops" he said. "Spruce, it has to be us, he's being held in a diamond prison" I said.

 'I could do it on my own but I am not sure' I thought to myself. "Oh, yea you need the perfect family harmony for that" he said looking down.

"But how? No one's ever done it, you do remember our last show don't you?" He said, pointing at John.

"With the practice, I know we can do it" he said, getting on a small stage as he fist bumps the air. 

"Oh no no no, I can't" he shook his head, "See guys, I told you dad wasn't in a dad" one of Bruce's kids rolled his eyes.

Bruce turned to them, his face had offended written all over it. "Oh I was in a band, I was in the band! You ask your mother if I was in a band" he said to them, gesturing to brandy.

"Oh he was in a band~" she giggled as she made lovey doves eyes. "Prove it, prove it, prove it!!" Poppy started a chant for Bruce as his kids joined in, ehh why not join in too.

I joined in and chanted prove it as he just stared at us. "Okay, I will prove it right now" he said.

Bruce jumped on stage as we cheered for him. "Branch, you should join your brothers....yea not a good idea" she said, rubbing my arm.

Why was it not a good idea to perform..

Performing can cause wing flap, blue glow and eyes. Wing flap is when wings either angelic or dragon can appear, blue glow is the chest glow pain thing and the appearing eyes.

Even I don't know why it is like that, my ears drooped. I just watched my brothers as I clapped for them and hummed to the song.

After the song was done, John Dory and Bruce walked off as they happily chatting with each other. 

I felt poppy hug me from behind, I needed it. Seeing my brothers was..weird for me, I didn't know why.

"I know it's tough but you can get through this, I know you can" she comforted me. I gave her a warm smile as I hugged her back, enjoying this moment.

I hope you like this chapter, I have not finished unpacking my moving things I'm using my mugs iPad for this I hope you like it so far I got tired ✌️

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