Chapter 4

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Nobodys Pov

Branch sat in John dory's bus, visibly uncomfortable. John Dory noticed this and walked over to him. 

"Hey, bitty b" he waved at branch. Branch looked at him but did not speak, "What's wrong?" he asked quietly to branch.

Branch paused for a moment. "I-I..don't know" he said softly as he leaned on john dory shoulder.

Despite being powerful, branch was rather small. John dory gave him smile, inside, his heart was melting.

When branch got up, John dory noticed something. Branch had lots of scars on his body, some big, some small.

His ears drooped, who knows what branch suffered when they were gone? "John dory?" branch snapped him out of his thoughts.

"How are we going to find spruce? he asked. "Um branch?" poppy signalled him. She put two fingers of both sides of her head to mimic mind powers.

He closed his eyes and searched for spruce, usually yes would appear everywhere but he had his eyes on lockdown on so no eyes came out.

He opened his eyes, "Vacay island-" branch was interrupted by the small voice on the speaker. "Alright, some random dude, poppy and branch set out on a mission" 

Poppy gasped when she saw who was at the helm, "Tiny! what are you doing here?" "Hey tiny diamond" said branch to his younger friend.

"Hey aunt poppy, I'm on a mission to find courage, bravery and maybe love" he said, driving a tiny steering wheel.

Soon, in the distance, the island popped up. It had a sunset while a beautiful beach. Branch then whispered to poppy, "should we fly over or.." an idea popped up in branch's head.

"Tell john dory and stay indoors" he gestured as we went outside. Then, the bus shook voilently and felt more light.

"W-what's happening?!" john dory looked around a lot. What did happen was that branch floated outside and with his magic, he carried the bus.

"And...touchdown" said branch as he set the bus down. "What happened?" asked JD as he walked out of rhonda as poppy followed.

"Magic" branch said, leaning against rhonda, smirking. They cut through a forest while poppy asked john dory about who wrote which songs.

Since john dory did not look back, branch thought it was refreshing to walk around as a dragon. "I wonder how long till he notices?" branch snickered to poppy.

"What do you say branch?" John turned back but branch was normal when he did. John dory was secretly suspicious of branch.

He was holding secrets back fro him and he wanted to know..  branch and poppy giggled at this tiny fact as they continued walking.

"So, john dory, who wrote girl I love your heart girl?" poppy asked, "I did" john dodry cooly replied.

"Okay so cool, who wrote girl you broke my heart I still love you but I seriously think we need to talk about our relationship girl" "Actually, that was branch" john pointed out.

"No way! That's my fave brozone song like ever!!" poppy fangirled. "JK, also me" John laughed. Branch let his eyes appear around him and his normal ones turned black and white with red slits.

"Branch, calm down.." poppy comforted her boyfriend. Branch naturally calmed down, "sorry just...I don't know" he looked down.

If branch ever got really angry, there was a demon version, similar to alastor's except non-deer and blue and black and red instead of green.

"It's okay..I know what he did" poppy glared at John dory. When we finally got out of the forest, they bumped into a tall muppet.

"Heyyyy! Looks like I found some fellow rock climbers" the guys said to the kids behind him. "Hey-Hi.."poppy and branch. waved to the muppet.

"Welcome to vacay island, when everyday is a vaycay" he ssaid, making his arm do a wave motion.

Vacay Island was a type of resort. Everyone was see having fun, and they were carefree.

"Wow! What a nice place!" poppy exclaimed as they walked around. Then, they spotted a familiar troll surfing.

"Sailing take me away-" say the troll while he sang. Branch wanted to prank him so he magically flipped his surfboard as he watched him fall in the water.

"Hehe" branch giggled. "Branch!" poppy whispered shouted at branch. "Pfft fun sucker" he pouted.

The troll washed ashore and groaned as he got up. He saw branch but did not recognise him due to him being older,  so he went to give me a piece of his mind.

At this point, John dory and poppy were in the restaurant, trying to find spruce. Except..he's going after branch.

Branch kept his smile and tried not to laugh. He knew that troll was spruce, "Hey! I almost drowned, weren't you going to do anything?" spruce shouted at branch.

He did not know that was his baby brother after 20 years. "Why help the joke?" he giggled.  "You're sick!" he snarled.

"Now now spruce-" he said, his pupils almost turning into slits. You see, branch was a bit psycho, even turning demon at will. He was like alastor except non deer and a bit more friendly.

"H-how do you know who I am..?" spruce backed up a bit. "Don't you remember me?" branch head tilted to the side completely.

"Who...What are you..?" he whimpered. "Your worst nightmare" branch voice altered to a radio version as his eyes turned red and black fully. 

But he was back to normal in a second, "and your baby brother" he said chirpy. Spruce just stared at him.

"Baby branch..?"

YAAA THIS WAS A VERY LOOONGGG ONE anyway enjoy this, btw spruce did not see his demon thing, it was for a split sec

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