Chapter 6

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Nobody pov

"Um, brandy, sweetie, my love?" bruce nervously asked for his wife.

Brandy turned to him confused, "I know that we are very busy with the restaurant and the kids.. but I was wondering if I could-

go on a musically charged mission with your brothers leaving me with the restaurant and the kids?" brandy cut her husband off.

"Yes.." bruce said letting his hands fall to his sides. "It would be crazy if you didn't" brandy exclaimed.

"You wouldn't forgive yourself if something happened to your brother, besides you can cover when I go with marge on that month spa, all month" she laughed.

" should leave before the kids want you to stay" she said, leaning on the counter. Soon, a whole bunch of bruce's kids started calling out for their father.

"Ah! Bye, love you!" he screamed as he hurried with the others to rhonda and blew kisses as they left.

"How did you guys find me?" bruce asked john dory and branch once they were on the road.

Branch and poppy exchanged nervous glances before john spoke, "Branch just said where you were"

Bruce and john dory just stared at branch, awaiting an answer for how he knew where bruce was. "Uhhh" branch stuttered.

"I-I heard it from someone in pop village" he said, nervously smiling as he crossed his arms, leaning on the table.

John dory raised his eyebrow while bruce just shrugged it off, his restaurant was indeed quite popular.

"Hey um, bruce? can I talk to you?" JD asked bruce, still glaring at branch. Branch gulped as he watch JD and bruce talk.

"What's up dory?" he said, "okay, first dont call me that, second..does branch seem off to you?" he asked as he sheltered the corner of his mouth with his hand.

"Uhhhh no?" he said, shrugging.

"Poppy, what if they find out??!!" branch was worried, pacing back and forth. "Branch, its okay. They're your brothers, they will love you no matter what" she tried to comfort the worried troll.

"Branch, calm can transform if your worried, just take your time" she said as she put a hand on his shoulder.

"W-what if they..think I'm a monster.." he said sadly, his ears drooping as he was on the verge of tears.

"They won't, I promise they won't hurt yo no matter what" poppy hugged her boyfriend. While this was happening, a problem occured.

Branch was having a chest glow...

"Shit" branch whispered shouted. While JD and bruce were not looking, branch opened a window and made a rock explode.

He panted as he faced inside again. John dory and bruce watched him, "Hey branch..uhm, how do we find clay?" bruce asked.

Branch thought for a moment before an idea came, he spotted that JD had framed clay funderdrawers.

He broke the glass and said, "John dory, I have no idea why you kept these it's incredibly disgusting, but I'm glad you did" branch smiled, holding it up.

"I would be good-gosh darn if there are gunna help us find clay" he said, crossing his arms still glaring at branch.

Branch smiled, but his ears still drooped at his brother's glare. Branch then grabbed a stick and placed the underwear on it and walked outside.

"Hey girl, can you track down clay with this?" branch said kindly and softly with a smile. Rhonda sniffed the underpants and barked happily, "Let's go, she got the scent!" branch exclaimed.

Branch got on and they started on their way to clay, branch could not help but feel like his brothers were constantly watching him for something.

He tried his best not to think about it until JD had to say something..

"Hey branch, what's up with you?" he asked, branch turned to him slowly. He was scared to tell his brothers but before he said anything, the armadillo bus bolted forward.

"Uh oh" John dory said, "WHO PRESSED THE HUSTLE BUTTON?!" he shouted, branch flinched at the raise of voice.

Branch does not like raise of voice, loud noises and lots of physical contact, soon, they were off in a rush.

"Sorryyyy Square ass" tiny diamond apologized as they entered the hustle dimension.

Hustle dimension was really weird, once it was over, they all fell to the floor. "Ouch" winced branch as he got up.

"Wow, too much hustle is a thing" poppy widened his eyes. Soon, they arrived at a creepy place.

There were no lights on and it seemed completely abandoned, "A-are we sure this is the right place?" bruce asked nervously.

Branch closed his eyes and searched for clay mentally, "This is the right place" he said, opening his eyes.

Suddenly, a clown appeared which startled everyone and branch since it was very loud. Branch held his ears flat against his head as everyone screamed.

"Who goes there?!" it said in a deep voice, bravely branch walked up to it. "Look, we mean no harm. We're just looking for our brother, clay" he said confidently.

"Branch?! What are you doing?!" John whispered shouted. "Wait a second, you're..trolls?" the clown gasped.

"So what? You're a clown" branch gestured. The clown stopped for a moment and then..a yellow, fluffy ball popped from its mouth.

It rolled down to them to reveal..a troll?!

Branch pov

"Oh my gosh hellooo" The troll waved at us excitedly. "My name is viva, it is so fantasamazing to finally meet other trolls" she said as she zoomed and hugged us.

I did not liked to be hugged without permission but it was a quick one so I let it pass. She hugged poppy last and started rambling random shit about what she said to her.

Poppy stepped back to me and asked quietly, "Is this how people feel when they meet me?" "yes" I responded quickly.

"Am I a lot, sometimes I can be a lot" she laughed. "I d-don't think we are in the right place.." John stuttered, looking at me while talking to viva.

"You are, every troll is welcomed here, okay, putt putt trolls, lights on for our new guest" Viva clapped her hands as some trolls surround us.

Soon, the place had colourful lights lit on everywhere. "Are you guys hungry, are you thirsty?" she asked, Yes" tiny diamond exclaimed.

"Fries, fries! you guys want fries, I am seeing fries! Bring out the works" she called out. "Milkshakes to celebrate" she said as food started to surround us.

We then just watched her in one sip, finish a large cup of milkshake as we just stood there.

I tried the food and it actually tasted good, "Mhm, these fries are good! They would go great with a burger" bruce nodded as he ate a fry.

But then, the putt putt trolls started screaming and hiding, "What is happening?" john said, looking around.

"Uhh sorry it just burgers sounds a lot like..bergen" viva whispered at the word bergen. "Who's calling burgers? Meet circles" a troll emerged out of the dark.


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