Chapter 8

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Nobodys pov

" messed them up good" poppy winced at the sight of branch's brother who backed up against a rock, terrified.

Branch chuckled as he turned to poppy, "So, next stop is Mount vageo-" branch was cut off by some rope tied to him.

"Ahh!" he said as he fell to the ground, his own brothers had tied him up.. "G-guys..?" branch whimpered.

They were a bit hesitant but they grabbed holy rope, the only thing that can stop branch, it can also harm him. Branch started trying to move away, his ears flat against his face.

"No! Please! Don't" he cried as some tears slipped out of his eyes. "Poppy help!" branch shouted to his girlfriend but she was held back by bruce.

"No! Let her go! Please!" branch was now crying. John looked at him, he saw the fear in branch eyes. 

But before putting the rope, branch used his tenticales and smacked the rope out of John's hands. Branch threw a fireball near spruce so that he would let poppy go.

"Get him!" Clay yelled. Branch untied himself as he and poppy started to run with tiny, then branch tripped over  a large rock.

"GO!" he yelled as he watched Poppy run away with tiny until he could not see them. Then, branch felt him being limited.

"No!" he cried, "I'm sorry but you're not bitty b" John glared at him. Branch stared at them, his eyes had years pouring out.

Branch yelled in pain as the holy rope shocked him. "Please..L-let me go.." he looked at his brothers, crying and in pain.

Before anything, branch quickly untied the ropes by cutting them with a sharp blade. He fell backwards but he could not run.

He shielded himself as he painfully whispered loudly, "D-don't hurt me.." His brother stared at him, all had tears in their eyes but before anything, they all hugged branch.

All of them were apologizing over and over but then, "Ah! we found them!" a voice exclaimed happily.

They all looked up to find vevlet and veneer towering over them, they screamed as they scrambled away from them.

Vevlet picked up branch which wanted to use his tenticales on her but he got shocked by chest glow. It lasted one whole minute as he cried.

"AHHHHH" He screamed in pain as his brothers watched from their hiding place. Branch was then limp and could not move a lot, "branch no.." John let a few tears escape.

"We got one more!" Vevlet cheered. She took out a diamond bottle and threw branch inside, "Bitty B!" Spruce quietly exclaimed.

"Come on! We got a award to win" she walked away as veneer followed. "Branch..?"

Sry it is a short chapter but It got the angst and I tried, so bacically yea its branch, poppy and tiny instead of their brothers. I hope you enjoyed it so far

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