A New Hope

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Akshara Goenka was not afraid of the dark or solitude. She has accepted it with wide arms after the turmoil that she has gone through. Sitting on the sofa-cum-bed in her parents' home, she is scribbling away into her journal with just a small overhead ballpaper lantern for light. It is still dark outside and as usual she has been awake for an hour or so. Lack of sleep - she was used to this also. So also about the fact that she no longer has her own bedroom in her parents' home, since her brother got married to the love of his life. But that does not mean there is no space for her. Her parents and her brother and even her sister-in-law never made her feel unwelcome. In fact, they were upset that they couldn't afford to give her her own room. But she was unconcerned. The 2-bedroom house and this living room have been her safe haven for the past year, since the time she was unceremoniously dropped back to her parents by her ex-husband because she was no longer useful to him or his parents.

Sighing, she stopped her thoughts at that. She did not want to go back to the disaster of a marriage this early in the morning. She has come a long way to put some of the memories behind. While a fitful sleep of 6-7 hours was still a pipe dream, she was no longer tormented by the nightmares. The therapy sessions have also come down to 2 days a week from 4 and her therapist was happy with her progress. She had her friends Anisha and Tara to thank for it. They had pooled in money to ensure that she got the necessary help she needed while not putting more financial pressure on her family. She had refused to accept but they had not budged, and for that she would be indebted to them forever.

From the last month or so, she had gotten into the habit of writing affirmations. After all, there was so much to look forward to. And it helped her to stay positive. As she closed her journal, she heard the knob of her brother's door turning. She turned to see her elder brother already dressed in his day clothes, heading over to the shoe rack.

"Good morning, Bhayia! What happened, where have you head to so early?" "Morning Akshu," said Kairav. "Chotu is unwell and he cannot reach the store to get the milk delivery, which will be here any time now. I need to reach the store as soon as possible". Kairav had joined their father's grocery store after his graduation. And after their father suffered a stroke, he had taken over completely with Akshu helping him in whatever way she could.

"Oh, what about tea, bhaiyya? I can make it in 10 minutes." "No time. I will have it at the tapri later," Kairav said as he tied his shoe laces. As he moved towards the door, he turned, "Akshu, can you check in on Anisha in some time. She has been keeping unwell in the mornings for the last few days." Akshu frowned, "Why didn't you guys say anything till now?" "No, she was ok after a few hours and we didn't want everyone to be tensed unnecessarily," said Kairav. Akshara shook her head at her brother's words, "Dont worry Bhaiyya, I will check on Anisha and make sure she is ok. I will also bring you breakfast around 9." "Thanks Akshu," Kairav said as he closed the main door.

Anisha Iyer was not only her sister-in-law but also her best friend since the girls were in high school. As Anisha was a frequent visitor to Akshara's home, she was also friends with Kairav, 5 years their senior. Not even Akshara knew when their friendship turned into love. But they got married last year, although none of Anisha's family attended the wedding because they couldn't believe that their IT employee daughter was marrying a "mere shopkeeper".

Akshara was happy that her best friend had really become her sister, but knew deep down that Anisha missed her parents. But Anisha seemed to be happy by just being with Kairav. But still she and her family showered her with love and care, so she never felt lonely.

Akshu got up from her bed to start her day. She folded the bedspread and comforter and keep everything under the sofa bed and closed it. She went into the washroom to complete her morning routine. As she finished her pranayama and yoga on the balcony, she saw her mother smiling at her with a cup of tea.
"Good morning, Ma. I was about to get up and make chai. Why did you wake up so early?"
"Akshu, it is already 7! How much do you want me to sleep?" she scolded Akshara with a smile on her face.

"Is papa awake? Did he sleep well at night?" Asked Akshu. "It was a better night. He only woke up once," said Swarna with a sad smile.

Akshu nodded her head and looked away. This is her only regret about her divorce. The hurt that her parents had to go through.

Swarna had a knowing look on her face. "Akshu, don't start blaming yourself now." Akshara tried to blink away the tears gathered in her eyes. "No, I...." Swarna raised her hand to stop her. "I am your mother and I know you very well what's going on the little head of yours." She gentled down her tone and said, "Akshu, your father's health situation is not because of your divorce. It is because you had to go through all of it on your own. You were suffering and we were happy that our daughter has gained the best partner and family in the world. Both of us regret that we couldn't protect our princess."

Akshara moved closer to her mother and wiped her tears. There was nothing to be said. As Kairav said there is nothing she could say that would lessen their parents' guilt. She had to give them time to heal. But it was difficult, especially when she had to see her father in a wheelchair, a shell of a man he previously was.

"Why isn't Kairav awake? Doesn't he have to go to the store?" Swarna's question brought her out of her thoughts. "Bhaiyya left early as Chotu is unwell. I will take his breakfast to him in some time. Ma, why don't you take a bath. I will start with the breakfast." Swarna nodded and left the balcony. Akshara gathered the empty cups and moved to the kitchen.

She was just adding tadka to the sambar when she heard Anisha, "is that sambar I smell?"

"Yes, it is my dearest bhabhi", Akshara chuckled. "It is your fav idli, sambar and chutney". ""

"Won't your paratha loving brother mind?"

"It is his orders only. He messaged and requested to make his dearest wife her favorite." Anisha blushed. "Oho, itna blush", teased Akshara. "Shut up, Aksh."

"ANI, are you ok? Bhaiya said you have not been well for a few days. I was just coming to check on you." "Ya, I am not able to get up in the mornings. I feel so drained."

"It is all the long hours you work. Why can't you just switch off at 7?"

" you know how it is Akshu. As I am about to log off, the us team joins and they have a tons of questions."

" still, everyday! This work from home is too much. You work more than you did in office."

"Ya I know. Anyway, I have to wait for Kairav to have dinner. It is the only time during the whole day we get to spend time together."

"Hmm. But you need to take care of your health as well, ANI. Maybe go for a walk or do a few stretches."

"Ya, from next month when this project is done."

Akshara rolled her eyes, "you said the same thing las month as well"

Just then Akshara's phone rang. "Speaking of the devil, your patidev." Anisha left from the kitchen not before showing her tongue.

"Haan Bhaiyya, I am coming in 30 minutes with your breakfast.
"Please Akshu. I will order something from Swiggy. I love my wife but I don't want to eat idli." Kairav whined. Akshara giggled at her brother's childishness.
" I didn't call for that. Your old maths teacher Mrs. Shetty just called me. She asked me whether you are still looking for a teaching job. She said she has some proposal for you. She called you but couldn't get through. Do call her today itself."

"Ok Bhaiyya. Thanks for letting me know. I will come in some time, so you can take a break."

"No worries. It is a bit slow today. You take your time."


Akshara cancelled the call with a smile on her face. Her biggest dream now was to complete her b.ed and become a teacher. And she wanted to do it on her own. That's why she was looking for a job, without taking money from her family. This is the one thing she was adamant about. She wanted to work and complete her b.ed degree that she had to leave to get married. But no reputed school wanted to hire a teacher without a b.ed and taking tuitions at home was not an option because of lack of space. Last time when she met her old maths teacher, she had told her about her problem. "Maybe she has some home tuition opportunity for me," Akshara thought.

She said a prayer and dialled Mrs. Shetty's number.
**********************************************Here's the first chapter of my first story. I don't know how many will read this. If you have stumbled upon my book, do write a line for me. It will surely be a good motivation. The next chapter will be Abhimanyu's pov.

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