A Failed Attempt

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Akshara was going through the busiest time of her life. Her days were running at a breakneck speed. There was her work at the Birlas, which kept her on her toes. Then her B.Ed program had begun and whenever she was not teaching Abhir and Roohi, she was attending online classes, making notes, and preparing for her projects. There was so much to do that most days she found that 24 hours were not enough to complete her to-do list. But she was not complaining. After such a long time, she felt alive. Like her life had a purpose. And she had also taken up a new project. Anisha's godh-bharai.

Anisha was almost in her 9th month and the Goenkas wanted to throw the best godh-bharai for their dearest daugther-in-law. Akshara had taken up the entire responsibility. While she was struggling, she did not want to leave any stone unturned to give her bhabhi-cum-best friend the most memorable baby shower. Thankfully, she had Tara's help, who was currently in Delhi at her in-laws but would be arriving two days before the function and leave for the US a day after that. She rang the bell at the Birlas' with a hundred things running on her mind one Wednesday afternoon, when she came across the older version of Roohi.

"Hi, you must be Akshara, right? I have heard so much about you from Abhir and Roohi," the girl smiled with enthusiasm, forwarding her hand at Akshara.

Akshara shook her hands in daze. Just then Avni came from behind. "Aaru, let her come in."

As Akshara came in and closed the door, Avni said, "Akshara, this is Aarohi. Abhir and Roohi's aunt, their Maushi."

"Arre, Ma. Not you too. I am not some old Maushi. I am their Mau." Aarohi complained with a pout.

"Stop it, Nautanki." Avni hit her shoulder lightly.

Akshara smiled at her antics. "Oh you are their Aunt. No wonder you look so much like Roohi. or rather she looks just like you."

Aarohi grinned. "Yes, we both got our looks from my Tai, the kids' mother." Akshara nodded her head and they walked inside the living room. 

Avni continued. "Aarohi has come to Mumbai for her visa interview tomorrow. She is going to Sweden for work."

"That's really cool. Do you work in IT?" asked Akshara.

"Yes, they are deploying me to Sweden for 6 months to a year."

"Nice. My bhabhi has also been to Sweden and a few other European countries a few years ago. She is also in the IT field. Right now she is working with a firm in Mumbai. After the pandemic, half of her company works remotely."

"Great. I would like to know about her experiences. Would she mind talking to me?"

"Why not? I will tell her. She will be glad to talk to you. I will connect you with her. Are you here for a few days?"

"Yes, I am here till Sunday. I have taken an off today and tomorrow. But will work from home on Friday. I want to spend as much time with the kids, Aai, and Dada. This time when they come to Pune for their summer holidays, I will be in Sweden. So I want to make up for the time."

Akshara nodded with her smile. She checked her watch and asked Aarohi, "It's time for their bus to arrive. Why don't you come with me? Are they aware that you are coming?"

Avni laughed and shook her head. "No, we did not tell them, otherwise they would be jumping around all the time and asking about when she will arrive non-stop. And may have even refused to go to school."

"Then it would be a great surprise for them. Do come."

"Yes, I can't wait to see my munchkins. Let me grab my phone."

As Akshara and Aarohi walked towards the bus-stop, they fell into a comfortable conversation. Akshara found Aarohi's enthusiasm endearing. Aarohi was a couple of years younger than Akshara, but the latter found her mature-yet-childlike, a combination rarely seen. The kids as expected were over the moon to see their Maushi. After their shocks wore off, they jumped on her and created a ruckus shouting and talking over each other.

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