Present Happiness and Past Pains

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Monday came with a lot of excitement and anticipation in the Goenka household. Kairav and Anisha were all set to leave for the hospital in the morning for their first scan. They were happy but nervous too. Akshara's state of mind was also no different.

While she was ecstatic about being an aunt, her past came haunting as soon as she closed her eyes at night. Although she had promised Anisha and Tara that she was completely fine, she couldn't stop thinking about her forceful abortions and the abuse that followed, as soon as she was alone at night. But she did not want to go into that dark pit, not anymore. There was so much to look forward to. With a resumed sense of hope, she started preparing for her first day of work. Dr. Birla had sent the kids' syllabus, and she spent every free minute of hers reading on the Internet and watching Youtube videos to make learning exciting for them.

Anisha and Kairav arrived from the hospital right as she was settling for an early lunch. It was her first day at work and she did not want to be late. But she could definitely spare a few minutes rejoicing in their happiness. Anisha could not stop talking about the moment when they heard the baby's heartbeat. They also had a picture that was passed lovingly to each family member. Kairav, on the other hand, was silent. She could sense his happiness but right from the time they stepped inside the house, she could feel him looking at her deep in thought from time to time. She looked at Anisha in question who just shrugged her shoulders, but she knew that her friend was hiding something. As everything seemed ok with the baby, Akshara decided not to dwell on it, at least not at the moment. She would talk to him at night once she is back.

Akshara reached the Birla household at 1.30 to see Avni and Neil finishing their lunch. After their initial greetings Avni said, "Akshara, Abhi has applied for an ID card for you that will let you pick the kids from the bus-stop. Today, Neil will accompany you. He will also introduce you to the driver and the lady helper on the bus. So that they know that you will be the one picking them up from now on." Akshara nodded.

Neil looked at the watch. "Lets go Akshara. It is time for the bus to arrive. I will also show you the app through which you can track the bus."

Akshara and Neil walked towards the door. During the lift ride down, Neil helped her to download the app and input the login essentials so that she could track the bus. As they reached the bus stop, they realized that the bus was still 10 minutes away, probably due to the afternoon traffic.

As there was still time to kill, Neil asked, "So Akshara, tell me about your family? I mean if you don't mind." he added as an afterthought. Akshara smiled, "I dont mind".

"My family has Ma, Papa, my elder brother Kairav and his wife Anisha."

"Nice. But I thought there will be some kids in your family. You are so good with Abhir and Ruhi, I was sure you would have loads of practice."

Akshara laughed at this. "Thank you for the compliment. Currently, there is no kid at home. But I like interacting with kids and have a good circle of little friends in my society".

"But the kid situation at home is going to change soon. My bhabhi is pregnant. In fact, I got to know on Saturday, right after I left from here."

"Oh wow, Akshara. Congratulations"

"Thank you," Akshara said with a smile.

"Take this from a seasoned uncle, your life is going to change." Neil stated patting his own back.

Akshara laughed at his words. Neil was really funny.

"Most people say that to the parents."

"Ya, it is obvious for them. But not many talk about the uncles and aunts."

Second Chance LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora