Chapter 59 - Hedda's 16th Birthday

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I roll over with a groan, forgetting I'm with Hugh and not in my own room.

"Good morning," my boyfriend smiles at me while I rub my eyes. "Happy Birthday Mairen."

I smile and give him a soft kiss, "thank you."

"How are you feeling after last night?"

Memories of him showing me just how much he adores me flood my mind. It was truly wonderful. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. We've been together for a year and a half now, I have no idea how I've managed to keep him a secret from Nik and 'Lijah. I suppose they've been busy working with Freya to reunite our family again and I can't blame them.

"Good," I stretch again. "I love you."

We both freeze when those words come out of my mouth. We both know how we feel but we've never used those words before because I struggle to know and recognise love without my family. It feels foreign and strange in my mouth however true it is.

I do love him, I do.

"And I love you Mairen," Hugh responds, leaning down to capture my lips in a kiss again. "Tell me we didn't make a mistake last night. I never want you to regret anything with me."

"Never," I stare into his blue eyes to convey my seriousness. "You know I've wanted to have sex for years."

He is pleased with my affirmation, "Mairen you know why we had to wait. I'm two years older than you, we are young and age gaps do matter for certain things. There's nothing wrong in taking this slow, we are in no rush. I will love you forever, no matter what."

"No age gaps don't matter, Cami and Nik have a huge age gap and they love each other," I tell him, refusing to listen. He still doesn't know about the supernatural so he doesn't know the specifics of their thousand-year age gap.

"They are mature adults it's different, we need to be sensible."

I ignore him, proving his point about immaturity being a slight problem.

"Mairen..." he says sternly when my hand trails down his chest. Suddenly his eyes widen. "Mairen, we need to be more careful."

That halts me. "What?"

"We didn't use protection," he grits his teeth and huffs in annoyance at his actions last night.

"Oh that's fine," I say lazily, not worried at all. "I don't like the idea of condoms anyway."

He is left speechless at my carelessness, before standing up and stomping into the bathroom. After a minute I hear the shower turn on and I'm left in his bed thinking over what I've said.

Am I immature? Am I too immature for him?

I love him with my whole heart and I have since the moment I spoke to him. It's unfair and tricky when we're young. If we were twenty, being two years apart wouldn't matter. No one would question it at all.

When he comes out of the bathroom, I apologise immediately to him and promise I'll talk to Cami for advice because she knows all about us. He is relieved, knowing she is both fair and firm with me.

"Do you want your birthday present now or later?" He teases me but my phone suddenly starts to ring.

It's Cami.

"Sweetheart you need to come home, your brothers are planning to take you on a trip today," she gives me a warning, knowing where I am.

"Oh!" I respond in surprise. "Have they noticed I'm not home?"

"Not yet," she explains helpfully. "But they will soon, you need to return. You shouldn't have stayed over without telling them the truth."

"I'll see you in a minute," I hang up and pack my bag quickly.

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