Chapter 56 - Splitting the Hollow

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Luckily I've fully recovered from the traumatic time stuck in my mental maze. Nik and 'Lijah saved me but now Hopey is very sick. Daddy says she has bad magic inside her, the same bad magic that made me die.

I'll admit I'm a little scared. But only a little bit.

I'm not allowed to see her but she isn't here anyway. I've been staying with Marcel for the last couple of days while Vincent helps our family.

Marcel is the funniest brother ever, he pulls silly faces and teaches me how to run quickly like a speedy vampire. He said I'm allowed in his inner circle now and I'm so proud of myself. It's been really good fun eating ice cream and staying up late with him everyday but I do miss my normal life.

"Marcel," Nik appears at the door agitated and dishevelled, desperate to see him. I'm a little bit offended, I should be first not Marcel. ME.

"Nik!" I run over and he spins me around in his arms. "I missed you."

"I've missed you too," he smiles before looking around. "Where is Marcel?"

"I'm right here," he says interrupting our lovely hug so I scowl at him. Stupid Marcel. What an attention-hogger. I can forgive Hope but Marcel is an adult and he needs to back off.

"Marcel, we need your help to distract the rest of the Hollow's followers," Nik pleads with him but Marcel rolls his eyes, annoyed again that he's being bothered.

However it doesn't take long for him to agree to hear the plan, probably because Vincent is the one coming up with it. I can't be left alone so I'm brought back to the compound too, arriving to see everyone recovering from their injuries and very frustrated.

Their first plan didn't work, the Hollow is still inside Hope. Marcel is sent off by Vincent and I'm able to listen in to the big plan. The one that I'm sure will make us win forever!

"The Hollow has been haunting New Orleans for centuries," Vincent speaks his mind as he comes to work out a solution. "It's an unending evil. Its appetite for power is insatiable. And that's what attracted it to your little girl."

"You said there was a way to save her," Nik adamantly refuses to give up, reminding him that he mentioned a way.

I run over to fairy Freya who scoops me up in her arms with a loving hug as everyone stands and waits for Vincent to explain. I love how she hugs me the same as when I was 6, she doesn't make me feel embarrassed for wanting her love, none of them do.

"I'm a bit scared," I admit so Freya takes me upstairs to her cool fairy lair. As usual she sprinkles glitter on me and I twirl to make sure I'm completely gorgeous.

"This is Keelin," she introduces and I recognise the lady because I've seen her around a few times. "Keelin, this is Hedda."

"It is lovely to meet you properly Hedda, I'm your sister's girlfriend."

I shake hands with her and look her up and down.

"A what? A GIRLfriend?"

"Yes Hedda," Freya confirms. "She is my girlfriend."

"But... how?" I ask in confusion trying to understand. I've never seen two girls kiss before.

Can two girls kiss? The thought makes me worry about father not liking it and being angry but I quickly remind myself that Freya is safe and father is dead. He can't hit her now.

"Well we like each other a lot. We can't ignore that just because we're both women," Freya explains patiently and I nod, accepting her answer. I can see how she looks at Keelin like she loves her, it is lovely.

Hedda MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now