Chapter 57 - Adjusting to Loneliness

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I screamed the house down when I woke up and they weren't there. I knew the second 'Lijah entered first in the morning and not my Daddy.

I have not taken it well.

They actually left me and I HATE them all.

The rest of us are all living outside of New Orleans for a little while. We're back in the house Daddy was in too and I imagine him everywhere, half expecting him to come out of his bedroom and hug me. But he doesn't. It makes it all the more harder, especially when I can still smell his scent every time I walk past his door.

I beelined straight for my room the second we arrived and I've hardly left it for weeks. 'Lijah and Nik assumed after a few days I would come out but I haven't, I don't want to when I can't see my whole family. What's the point?

Being here without Daddy makes me cry all the time. He's gone. They've all left me.


Even my Koly doesn't love me enough to stay. My Daddy hates me too. If they really loved me they would have found another way to save Hopey, not offered up themselves instead. That's how I know they don't care.

Even Hopey hasn't been enough to convince me to get out of bed. Sometimes I hate her because if she didn't exist my family would still be with me. It would all be much better. I don't tell her though because I know she will be upset. I don't want to be mean even though I wish she was never born a lot.

"Is she up?" I hear Hayley whispering to 'Lijah who peeks his head through my door to check on me.

"She's still in bed," he responds grimly with great concern. "Niklaus?"

I hear him talk about phoning someone and get fed up of listening to them gossip about me so I take out my hearing aids and fall asleep again. My wolf stirs within me, aching to be let out to run but I don't want to.

I want my Daddy. I need Kol. And I'm so lonely without Bekah and Finn. Even Freya and Keelin can't help me feel happier because I'm missing half my family.

They each call me a lot but I can't bear to speak to them without being able to hug. It's torture and I refuse to even say hello. I know it upsets them but it's better than crying on a video call. Maybe one day I'll be able to think about them without bursting into tears.

A few more days pass by quickly where I only leave the bed for a shower or blood bags. Most of the time Nik or 'Lijah bring them to me anyway and attempt a simple conversation. I always accept the blood but turn my back, feeling guilty for doing so but struggling immensely with constant sadness. It never leaves and I don't want to make anyone else sad either.

"Hedda honey," a new voice grabs my attention when a woman walks through the door, waltzing in without my permission. How rude.

Keeping my head buried under the duvet I refuse to turn around, I don't want anyone to see me crying again.

Mikaelsons don't show weakness especially not grown up ones like me.

"Hedda it's alright to cry. It's normal to feel like this after what's happened," she speaks again and I'm able to work out it's not Freya or Keelin again. I would have heard them come from their house next door anyway.

So who is it?

"Klaus called me because everyone's very worried about you honey," she carries on intriguing me with the who and the why.

"Go away," I mumble rudely. "Or I'll bite you and you'll die. I won't heal you if you're a vampire and you'll be dead if you're human."

She doesn't say anything but I can feel the love and compassion radiating off her. It's clear she isn't going to leave so I roll over, surprising her with how rough I look. My eyes are sunken in and my face is a little grey. I rub my red raw eyes and stare at the unwelcome bothersome guest.

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