Chapter 58 - Hedda's 1st Boyfriend

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"Here," Hugh offers up a cup of steaming tea as we sit in his house downstairs.

I accept gratefully, peering into the cup, "what is it?"

"My family's own recipe," he winks at me and an unsettling feeling sinks my stomach to the floor.

"Thank you," I smile and take a sniff of the concoction when he turns around. It smells bad, something smells strange. But I can't tell what it is.

"My mother used to give it to me every morning when I was a boy," he explains further, still clearing up the pots and pans in his kitchen. "She said it keeps the bad things away."

I laugh at the superstition, before realising there's probably some truth to it if my instincts are screaming for me not to drink it. Nursing the mug in my hands I compliment it without taking a sip.

"It tastes lovely," I double check his back is turned before pouring it into a plant pot beside me, praying that he won't notice.

He sits down opposite me and I continue to pretend I'm drinking the rest as he peacefully finishes his own cup.

"It reminds me of her you know," Hugh says suddenly. "My mother."

He falls silent and I catch his eye, noting the deep sadness within.

"What happened?"

"She died when I was young," he dismisses my question initially, before deciding to elaborate more. "She was wonderful, such a good mother. She always taught me right from wrong, she was my best friend. I could go to her about anything."

I allow the quiet to fill the room, not wanting to interrupt him.

"She was caught up in an animal attack," he says solemnly and stands up, taking both our mugs to the sink.

"I'm sorry," I offer my condolences but there's really nothing I can say.

An animal attack. That sounds like an awful way for someone to die. Bloody and horrific.

"It's in the past," he murmurs but I sense bitterness behind the mask. It's hidden but it's there. He's angry, very angry about her death.

Standing up, I glance back at the front door, wondering if it's time for me to leave. It was probably stupid of me to follow an older boy into his house alone but I really like him. I hope Nik doesn't return to the woods to find me gone. If any of them find out I'll be in big trouble.

"Hugh I probably need to go home, my family will be wondering where I am," I tell him regretfully, wishing I could stay longer.

"Of course," he nods immediately. "Let me walk you home."

"Oh- I... no that's ok. Thank you though," I stumble over my words trying to find some good ones to explain. I don't want my family to know about my crush on him. They will forbid it because I'm fourteen, I know they will. 'Lijah will refuse to let me see him again because he still thinks I'm a baby.

Hugh's face falls for a split second and I wouldn't have caught it without my hybrid senses. He's disappointed to so I'm able to pluck up the courage for my next question.

"Can I have your phone number?" I ask cheekily, hoping he will say yes before explaining my earlier refusal. "It's only my family won't allow me to be seen with a boy."

His smile returns and he gives me his phone number with a grin on his face, saving his name as Hugh.

"Make sure you text me beautiful," he teases and butterflies float around in my stomach as he calls me beautiful.

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