Chapter 2 Part 3 Silence is also a Word

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''I have no idea but it seems like you are going to tell us by the look on your face,'' I responded.

While I pointed the artifact at him for a closer exam, curiosity finally caught up with me. He took a few steps back, which made his hesitation obvious. It made me even more curious.

''I think it is dinner time, and the story is too long to be told while standing in these hallways. Come down for dinner. I will have the chef prepare you guys something special," Jin said.

''Sounds like a plan. A delicious meal and a story. I will not say no to that,'' Ashley said.

He bowed before leaving which made us question who we were exactly. We brought different outfits for our holiday but after seeing the hotel we needed our best dresses for this place. Jamie was right. It would take us all night to figure out what to wear. Ashley chose a multi-colored dress that was not too revealing. All my clothes were a bit too revealing, New York style. She got two of those dresses so I borrowed hers so we could match.

I took the object with me as we made our way downstairs. The dining room venue impressed us with it's spectacular atmosphere and classy clientele, and the staff who set our tables were as polite as ever. A haven for the most elite, with a piano playing in the background.

We found Jamie already at the table chatting with the waitress.

''You guys made it out of your room. A holiday miracle,'' Jamie said.

On the other side of the room, there was Jin. Greeted everyone as he made his way to our table. Quite a popular samurai.

''Thank you for coming. You ladies look exceptional,'' Jin said.

The conversation was light, like the room until I placed the object on the table. My curiosity had bubbled over like champagne. I needed to get to the bottom of this story before the night was over.

"Alright then," Jin said while clearing his throat.

''The object is from an ancient time. It belonged to a dynasty that possessed the world. Mythical creatures protected them and they won every battle, with riches in the palm of their hand. The king wore it, it fitted right into the royal crown. It is believed that possessing it allowed one to wield the power of words. Whatever proceeds from his mouth, the ability of the tongue turns into reality. The word abundance was established in that dynasty, the definition crafted in gold. People do not believe in words anymore, they have conformed to action now. The stories are many, but there is one that even sends shivers down my spine.'' Jin explained.

Awaiting his next words brought complete silence to the table. Even the waitress who brought our meal just stood there as she listened to the last part.

''Let us close our eyes,'' Jin whispered.

''I just need to say a word.

There comes a time when we wonder, a time when we think, a moment where we realize that there is nothing like this moment. We may never have this moment again. We close our eyes with the word, we open our hearts with a word, we fall asleep with a word, but we understand that it is with this word that we live.

 Is it us who live or is it the word that lives? 

Sometimes the word speaks louder than the action,'' Jin said.

'''Let us eat,'' Ashley followed.

With my eyes still closed and waiting to hear what could send shivers up this samurai's spine, we ate in silence not knowing why we became so calm. My emotions were all over the place and had a mute button. We ate in silence like there was no story.

''The person that gave you the artifact, are they still alive?'' Jin asked.

''Yes my grandmother is still alive,'' I responded.

His face turned bleak at my response, I guess he also had a mute button.

''I have never heard in any of the stories that someone gave the artifact away willingly,'' Jin said.

''My grandmother loves me and it is evident with every word that she has ever spoken to me,'' I said.

On that note, Jin excused himself and we made our way back to our room. There would be no sleep tonight.

Image search, google search, and a lot of phone calls would be the order of the night.

The first call to my dad to question him a bit in detail gave me answers I was not ready for. Answers I needed to hear but didn't prepare myself for. I wished my phone remained at home.

My mother Bae and father Eun Kang on the phone crying, split my spirit into infinite moments of sorrow, unable to even ask what was wrong. Tears walked down my cheeks, past my lips, waiting at my chin to gather the strength to leap to the floor.

''My beautiful daughter, your grandmother passed away,'' Eun said.

''Do not cry my daughter, we know how much you loved your grandmother,'' Bae said.

The pain was unbearable when Ashley embraced me, she added to the pain by holding me. Felt like darkness had just found a way to touch my soul, and off I went into the darkness. The only place where tears can't be seen and only screams can be heard.

''I still had so many questions for my grandmother after my holiday,'' I said.

'' We are on our way to you and will answer every question. The remains of your grandmother need to be taken to a place in South Korea,'' Eun said.

A good amount of tears put me to sleep.

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