Chapter 4 Part 7 Path of Proverbs

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''Mom! Please don't leave me in this world alone. Please!'' I mumbled.

My father looked like he had lost hope already. There was no sign of life in her anymore.

I held her hand, devastated that nobody attempted to save her. At that moment, I felt her grip slip from mine, causing all hope to be lost and my life to crumble before a bed in a village far from home. Our holiday turned into darkness, with no light in sight.

I knew my life was over when I glimpsed at Ashley in the corner, with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Everyone just stood there, helpless. There was a knock at the door and in came Luigi to check up on us.

''Is everyone alright?'' Luigi asked.

I jumped up at the sight of him, into his arms, pleading to help my mom. It was the first time I had the chance to gaze into his hazelnut-brown eyes filled with hope. He just stared directly back into mine without a word and made his way to the bedside. Leaned over to whisper into my mother's ear.

''He who has ears let him hear.

 The stars in the sky and the moon will not show its light.

 The rising sun will be darkened.

 That which is, will no longer be.

 Healing is temporal, power is forever,'' he shouted.

The artifact around his neck lit up again and cast a bright light. A sensation followed, like dread turned into peace, touched all of my senses. It must be the power of the artifact.

My mother coughed and slurred her words, '' water please.''

''Seulgi your mother will be okay for now but it is us who need your help. You need to learn to use the artifact your grandmother gave you,'' he said.

''Please teach me how to use it, I want to help. If I could possess that power, it would change everything for me. I could change the world into the way I want it to be. The possibilities would be endless,'' she said.

''Let me show you all something except you Jin, please look after yourself and her parents until Seulgi can restore you all,'' he said.

With a kiss on my parents foreheads, I bid them farewell and joined Luigi outside. The four of us traveled deeper into the village. There was a stench in the air. The smell of death. I was familiar with smells in New York, but it did not compare to this stomach-churning feeling.

                                                                           Earli Clan

We arrived at a part of the village that belonged to the Earli clan, the people who used their ears to distinguish between good and evil people, friends and enemies, and right from wrong. The ability to use one of the five senses supernaturally. There were guards at the gate with abnormally large ears upon entering, not scary at all.

The clan waited for our arrival and greeted us with a simultaneous bow from everyone, and we reciprocated the gesture. My stomach growled as I bowed. It had been an eventful morning so far. "Did they hear us coming? Ashley asked.

''Welcome to the Earli clan. Please be my guests in my home for the duration of your stay. Our village consists of three main areas to train an individual and allow you to become what you are destined to be. 

Who would like something to eat first before we begin to explore?" Luigi asked.

''Thank heavens, to starve is not the method of training. I would love to,'' Jamie replied.

''It has been a while and I could do with yesterday's serving,'' Ashley agreed.

'' I cannot stomach food right now, I will go on ahead and try to work up an appetite,'' I said.

I wondered amongst the people and tried to be friendly with an aching heart and a repetitive mindset. It was exactly how I imagined the markets to be, full of our heart's desires. Music was played from handmade instruments and children ran around while their mothers were busy with different shopping activities. 

A paradise of unity. The place where you could find ancient Korean dishes and history in culture. The different clothing patterns were on display. Our holiday would have led to here one way or the other since we all have ties to South Korea.

Three distinct paths went in different directions at the end of the market area.

One had a sign that said ''The South Korean Samurai", with swords placed all the way to where my eye could not see anymore.

A second path said ''Lily of the Valley'', with thick pink cherry blossom trees all around that made the road seem dark upon entering.

The third path said ''The Path of Proverbs'' with the different letters of the alphabet stuck in the ground and painted in all the colors of the rainbow like a graveyard.

I had wondered through the marketplace for a while; it seems, since my friends had caught up with me again at the crossway. Ashley brought me some hotteok, and I ate it right out of her hands. I missed our Tacos moments. Thank heavens they all arrived because of all the paths, ''The Path of Proverbs'' felt like it called to me and it frightened me. 

''Seulgi, I am glad you waited for us here and did not choose your own path,'' Luigi said.

''What is this crossway and where do these paths lead?'' I inquired.

''These paths lead to your destinies. Jamie, you need to go down the path of ''The South Korean Samurai''. My artifact has heard your heart and your mind. You are Korean and have lived in New York all your life. In front of you lies a path to your roots to gain the strength you have so longed for.''

'' Ashley, you will take the path through the cherry blossom trees, ''Lily of the Valley'' You have been like a river through mountains and hills. My artifact has heard your heart and your mind. You are Korean and have flown through life in New York. The path in front of you will take you to the root of your destiny and you will blossom.''

'' Seulgi, I will personally guide you through the '' Path of Proverbs.'' You are Korean and have lived in New York all your life and the artifact has heard your heart and your mind. There is a proverb that says ''every path has its puddle,'' Luigi explained.

Luigi gave us a moment to say our goodbyes for now. We held hands without a word from anyone.

A group hug followed, holiday or no holiday. We needed this group hug.

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