Chapter 3 Part 5 Secret Phrase

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It dawned on me that my parents kept a lot of secrets, which made me question my entire existence.

 All my questions became redundant. I needed new ones to understand what was happening to my perfect life.

The thought of him wanting me to work in a library and go study when my family owned all of this and a private jet. It was simply too much to take in and on top of that; I had no alternative but to continue talking to my parents, otherwise they would suffer a silent war.

No words would put them in their place. My face spoke a million words, and they got the message.

Sometimes words speak louder than action and sometimes no words scream for action.

''You guys have shattered my existence and I am clueless as to who I am and where our family comes from. Especially you, mother! I thought you said we share everything," I exclaimed.

 "I am sorry that we have kept this from you for so long. It was to protect you from the family curse that haunts our family,'' she answered.

My father announced that we would leave in an hour to the village to scatter the ashes of my grandmother. We went our separate ways to cut down on the tension for the time being. I went to my room and just wanted to be alone, but I was sharing with someone.

I sat in front of the mirror in silence, using different makeup kits on my face while I waited for the time to pass. Red lipstick felt right with dark eyeshadow. This had always been my hobby to play with makeup, but the more I grew up, the more emotions took over that hobby.

The first clown that painted their face must have brought that emotion from a deep place. The whole look was scary to some, but emotionally a straight arrow for others.

We got dressed in silence. There was nothing to say.

Everyone went downstairs. There was an old minibus waiting for us, driven by none other than Nari. She was the only one with a smile on her face who greeted my parents so politely. Like they were not the monsters in my mind. The village was out of town, far from all the lights and music in a more natural setting. We arrived at a sign that said welcome to Phrasee Village.

                                                       Welcome to Phrase Village

The place had seclusion, with ancient ruins and temples. There was a flower festival about to take place with lanterns being set up and fireworks prepared. I did not feel like getting out of the minibus even. My parents and everyone else donned Korean attire. Everyone bowed as we exited the minibus. A young man came running to shake my parents hands and bowed continuously.

He introduced himself as Luigi, with short black hair that seemed to hide his eyes in a way. He had the cutest smile, a pointy nose, and cheekbones that looked like he had eaten carrots all his life.

''Welcome to the village of phrases, I am Luigi, son of the Earli clan. The son of those that hear but do not speak. The bearer of the listener artifact that does not ask questions,'' Luigi proclaimed.

He took us to a temple where everyone had gathered in silence and started the proceedings with a silent chant. It was so harmonic as the voices of everyone started to echo, with drums that played in the background.

''We have gathered here today in silence in remembrance of our deceased leader. Those who have ears let them hear these words. A woman with great power and a clean spirit, a light in the darkest alleys, a key to hidden doorways. Who used her words for it's intended purpose, without any doubt in her mind. She said there was a time when power was nonexistent and people traveled in search of it, but to no avail. Although she, a young girl, found it without seeking, without thinking, without dreaming about it. May her soul continue to prosper,'' Luigi said.

I was numb at those words, felt like my ears had worked for the first time with an overwhelming sense of feeling connected to those words. Similar to when Jin spoke at the dinner table the other day. The articulation was incredible. The power in those words was immense. He knew my grandmother better than me; it seemed. My father took the ashes and scattered them onto the altar, and the chant continued with different instruments, amplifying the atmosphere.

They brought platters of food to share a meal. My first bite of a sauce with dumplings eased my spirit further, and I held my parents' hands as they blessed the food after I had already taken my first bite. 

Different people came to greet my parents, especially my mother. I looked over at Ashley and Jamie, who were eating everything they received. Both nodded with smiles.

Lanterns were being lit and fireworks started as we finished our meals. Some of the village children started dancing, and we joined in because we knew how to get down. Showed them some New York style of dancing. While embracing Ashley in a dance and laughing because we did the wrong dance for the type of music that played. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

''Would you like to share this dance with me?'' Luigi asked.

''Show me what you got,'' I responded.

He started this crazy dance, stomped his feet, and moved his head in many directions. I could not help but burst out of laughter and mimic him. 

I did my signature move and he held my hand and copied me. Fireworks flashed in the night sky, with the stars visible. 

We were so close to each other that I got a glimpse of a similar artifact as the one I possess, visible around his neck.

ONC 2024 Prompt 1 Sometimes Words speak louder than Action

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