Butterflies in my heart♡ (Chapter 8)

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Hi guys, this chapter contains a bit of yundary, sexy love and more.. I hope you guys like it and ofcourse.. Enjoy reading!❤


-As Monarch was busy with his new akuma he kept thinking of last night..

M- (Am i catching feelings?)

-He thought as he felt a really dark and strong negative emotion

M- This emotion is perfect for my megakuma! Such dispair and darkness..

-A butterfly went into his hands and turned black

M- Fly away my megakuma and evillize this dark soul!

-Meanwhile with Nathalie..

-Nathalie was reading a book when she got hungry and got downstairs

-She grabbed some food from the kitchen and went back upstairs when she saw Adrien come back from school

A- Hi Nathalie!

N- Hello Adrien, how was your school day?

A- It went good, are you feeling any better?

N- Im doing alright Adrien thankyou

- She said as she went to her room and ate her food

-Also thinking about last night..

N- (I don't know why i kissed him..)


Hey Nathalie, if there is anything and i mean anything. Just think of me and i will be there to talk.

"Wow he is so sweet and handsome.."


"I just need to-"

Grabs his arm and kisses him

(Feels butterfly's in her heart)

Back to the present*

N- I really think that i- love him..

N- And those butterfly's i felt... it was so magical

-All of the sudden she heard a big crash in the window

-There was a supervillain standing in her window

N- Oh my go-

-Before she could finish her sentence the villain lounched at her, grabbed her and took her with him

N- Hey! Let me go!!

-Nathalie said as she kicked and screamed

D- Don't worry sweetheart i will take good care of you..

-He said as he took her with him 

-They got to an abended place as the villain tied Nathalie up

N- Let me go!! (She creamed)

D- (Smirks)

D- Sshh, i won't do anything to you..

N- Wy did you kidnap me than?

-She asked out of breath trying to break free

-He got close to her neck and whispered in her ear 

D- Because i really admirer you a lot (chuckles) my dear..

-He said as he kissd her neck

N- Please get of me

D- Why would i?

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