I want to see her smile again.. (Chapter 22)

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-A few weeks had passed after Nathalie's 'dream'.  Sadly she didn't remeber what happened anymore. Those passed weeks were really hard for Gabriel and Nathalie. Nathalie became extremly distant from him and tried to avoid Gabriel as much as possible. Gabriel had tried to reach out to her so many times, but she always locked herself up in her room. She only came out for work or to eat. Adrien aslo tried t o talk to her, but nothing helped. 

-The only thing that played in Nathalie's mind was that she was going to lose Gabriel soon..

-Evrytime that she saw him she thought of this again and again. 

-And evrytime that she saw Adrien, she thought of how depressed and sad he would be when Gabriel would die.

-She completly locked herslef up from the world

-Falling into a deep depression.

-Gabriel had had enough. 

-He didn't want to see the person he loved the most in this world suffer so much

-He just wanted to talk to her

-To hold her-

-To let her cry in his shirt until it was completly soaked

-To help her 

-He would do anything-

-To see her smile again..

-Gabriel was working in his ofice as Adrien knocked on the door

G- Come in.

A- Hello father i- just-

G- Yes?

-Gabriel said looking up fom his sketches

A- Wanted to-

-Adrien hesitated for a moment as he spoke

A- Talk to you, if you don't mind?

G- Ofcourse.

-Gabriel said with a soft smile as they both sat on the couch in his office

G- What is wrong Adrien?

-Gabriel said seeing a sad expression on his sons face

A- Im worried about Nathalie. She is so distent all of the sudden. She never talks to us and-

G- She locks herself up in her room and avoids us?

-Gabriel interrupted Adrien

A- Y-yes.

G- I know. I am worried about her too. 

A- We need to help her, i can't- see her like this anymore.

G- What do you suggest?

A- I was planning something for a while and-

-Gabriel waited for Adrien to answer as curiousity spread accross his face

A- I think it's the right time now.

-Gabriel smiled at Adrien as he smiled back.

A few days later...

Nathalies pov

-I was in my room as i was trying to set my mind on the book that i was reading. But i just couldn't concentrate myself on the book. I just-


My mind was on the same thing.

-You will lose Gabriel soon

-You will never see his face again

-His smile

-His laugh.

-Never feel

-His kisses again

-His warm breath on your skin

-His body

-His strong protective arms around you






-Nathalies thought were interrupted by a soft knock on the door.

N- Yes?

-She said as the door slowly opened

-In the doorway she saw-


G- Can i come in?

-Nathalie nooded as he came into her room closing the door behind him

-He sat on her bed as he turned to look into her eyes

Those beautiful-

ocean eyes.

G- I've noticed that- you didn't come out of the house for a few weeks now.

G- And-

G- That you mostly sit in your room, without doing anything-

N- I am reading.

-Nathalie said looking at him, her blue eyes looking in his

G- Nath..

N- Okay- what do you want from me.

-Nathalie said raising her voice a bit

G- I don't want anything from you Nath- I just want to ask if you want to go to the-

G- Grocery store with me.

-Nathalie looked at Gabriel with a weird expression

N- The- grocery store?

G- Yea, i need to get more food and-

G- You should come with me. Please-

-Nathalie didn't want to leave the house at all. She wasn't in the mood but-

-Gabriel was right she needed to get some fresh air anyway..

-She just needed to think for herself right now..

N- Alright. I'll come.

G- Thankyou Nath.

-Gabriel said with a soft tone as he softly smiled at her

-She didn't smile back but-

-It was a beginning?

-Adrien saw Gabriel and Nathalie go outside of the mansion, walking to the store.

A- My plan is going into motion.

To be continued..

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